Category Archives: Personal Development

Higher-Order Learning: Becoming An Expert


How do we become experts?

It will explore the characteristics and knowledge of an expert, how SOLO and Bloom’s revised taxonomy can assist us in identifying higher-order knowledge structures and thinking processes, as well as the challenges associated with higher-order thinking and how our program teaches it.

Chronic Diseases Cause Bad Memory


The disease is called “inefficient learning”.

It is common for learners of all ages to ask me how they can improve their memory. But this is the wrong question to ask.

In this article, I will briefly outline the main processes research has identified so far and how they impact our memory. How well we retain information is the result of the processes we use to learn it.

Taking notes that excite your students: How they should take notes


I remember falling asleep in high school history class because the teacher always made me write copious notes. For that teacher, “engaged student” meant taking notes.

I fell asleep (which cognitively suggests I was not engaged) simply because I was lazy or unfocused.

Despite our modern understanding of learning and the human brain, many teachers continue to encourage students to take notes linearly.

The Black Box Of Learning: Why Students Get Anxious


“What if I haven’t studied enough?” “What if I get asked a tricky question?” “What if I forget what I studied?” “What if I still have gaps I haven’t found yet?” Well, I tell you that all of these questions arise from the same underlying cause: the black box of learning.

The Research-Practice Gap in Education: Evidence-Based Isn’t Enough


As educators, we all strive to provide the best learning experiences for our students. However, implementing evidence-based learning strategies presents numerous challenges due to the complex nature of education systems. In this article, we will explore why evidence-based learning is not enough and why we need to address the research-practice gap in education.

What You Can Do To Improve Your Memory And Forget Less At School Or University


How Do You Spend Your Study Time? Reflecting on the amount of time you devote to studying, you may find that a great portion is taken up by relearning and revising facts you have forgotten. The solution, which may sound improbable, is to make sure you don’t need to review material in the first place. […]