Unlocking the Mystery: Why Do English Learners Struggle to Speak Although They Know A Lot of English?

I'm scared of speaking English how can I change it

Physicist Richard Feynman once said, “If you can’t explain something in simple terms, you don’t understand it.” I agree. So, for 20 years I’ve looked for the best way to explain: 1. Why many English learners know a lot of English, yet struggle to speak 2. How you really become fluent So I wanted to ask if the following makes sense […]

Unraveling the Real Problem: Why You’re Struggling to Get Fluent in English

how to speak english fluently

Dear subscriber of 9WSODL, I wanted to share the following: This post is going to be real short and to the point but you don’t want to underrate it because this is your secret sauce of getting Fluent in English for life. I’ve spent over 20 years helping people get fluent… But if I had to […]

Breaking the Cycle: How to Break Bad Habits and Develop Good Ones

Break BAD Habits Make GOOD HABITS

It’s difficult to break bad habits, create good ones. Why? It’s hard, right? You’re learning English. You want good habits. You want to listen to your English lessons every day for an hour, maybe two hours, maybe more. But then you find you don’t. Instead, you play on your phone. You text people, you watch […]

Unlocking the Secret Language: 100 Most Common Slang Words for Everyday Situations


When you’re watching an exciting new movie with your friends, one of the actors says, “That party last night was lit!” What does “lit” mean? Was there a fire? And why did he sound so excited? This character was using a slang word to describe the party he attended. Lit means really good. People in […]

Unveiling Your Life Purpose: The Quest to Discover Your True Mission

Unveiling Your Life Purpose: The Quest to Discover Your True Mission

Do you know what your life purpose is? Why is it so important to have a life purpose or a life mission? A lot of people feel lost, like they’re trying to achieve goals, but then they don’t feel much happier as a result. The feeling of excitement or happiness may last a short time […]

Mastering Vocabulary Made Easy: 5 Simple Strategies to Accelerate Your Learning


Storytelling Techniques to Expand Your Vocabulary Through storytelling techniques, learn how to make vocabulary learning enjoyable and effortless. I’m A.J. Hoge, and I’m here to help you improve your vocabulary if you’re an adult language learner. As an English teacher who has helped many students, I can personally recommend the incredible benefits of using storytelling […]

Unlocking Fluency: Mastering Excellent English Through Slow Practice

Excellent ENGLISH with Slow Practice

There are problems with your English pronunciation, so people don’t understand you. You can’t remember words when you’re talking. When you listen to English audios, it’s difficult to understand. You feel frustrated. Consequently, you try to speak faster. You try to listen to faster audios. You push yourself to understand, speak faster, read faster, and […]

Mastering the Art of Thinking in English: A Step-by-Step Guide to Enhancing Fluency


Thinking in English Improves Your English Fluency It is the language of business, science, and technology, as well as the most widely spoken language in the world. If you want to succeed in today’s global economy, you need to be fluent in English. The problem is, many people do not know how to think and […]

Mastering English Faster: How Intensive Learning with Focal Skills Can Boost Your Language Proficiency

Intensive English with Focal Skills

Research indicates that students in FOCAL SKILLS programs acquire English language proficiency faster than students in most other types of Intensive English Programs (IEP). Studies have found that students in FOCAL SKILLS programs gain about 35% more English proficiency than students in other Intensive English Programs in a semester. A number of factors contribute to […]