Effortless English VIP – All Out

EffortlessEnglish VIP Full Program

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Hi, I’m AJ Hoge and welcome to this month’s VIP lesson. Many years ago I was a teacher at a
language school in San Francisco, and I decided to start Effortless English. I decided I wanted
to teach my own way. I wanted to have my own company. I was working at the school. I did not
have any experience with online business. I did not have much business experience in general.
I did not have any good sales skills. I did not have any good marketing skills. I did not have any
good website design skills. But I decided, I’m gonna do it.
So during the day I would go to the school and I would teach. What I decided to do, I decided
that I would plan lessons, plan lessons for my new business, my new system, the Effortless
English system. So I decided I’m going to create these lessons, first what I’ll do is I’ll plan them
out. I’ll plan out a lesson each day. Then I’ll use my job to test the lessons. So I’ll go to my class
and I’ll do the lesson, I’ll teach the lesson to my class and I’ll test it to see, does it work? Is it a
good lesson or not so good? So I would do that. I would go and I would work and I would go to
my normal job and teach my new lesson. And sometimes it was really good, sometimes so-so,
but I didn’t stop there, after work I would come home and then I would immediately start working
again. I would start working on the new business.
I would record that new lesson. If it was a so-so lesson I would try to improve it. It was a great
lesson fantastic. So, I would sit down at my computer with a little microphone and I recorded the
lesson. After I recorded that days’ lesson I still was not finished, because I had so much to
learn. So at home I also practiced and I studied web design. I got online. I went to bookstores. I
read everything I could find about internet design, internet website design. But not only that I
also studied e-commerce, online selling, online businesses, because I didn’t really know how to
do it, so I had to learn it all.
So I studied and studied and studied and I read and I didn’t just study I also practiced. I tried to
make my first website and it was very ugly and it wasn’t very good. So I kept reading and I kept
trying new things. Also marketing, I realized that as I was getting more and more lessons and
creating my first course that I had to somehow reach people. How would people find out about
my website? How would people find out about Effortless English? That’s called marketing in
business. I didn’t know how to do it, so again I had to read and again I had to go to bookstores
and the library and then home, reading and working and studying and trying new things.
And then I realized, once people find out about me, how do I convince them? How do I
persuade them to try my course? I realized, ah, I need sales skills so then I had to read every
book I could find about sales. Regular sales, online sales, but not enough just to read I had to
practice and practice and practice and practice and practice, hours and hours every day, month
after month after month. I also realized that I was creating voice lessons, audio lessons and that
my voice was not so good, my voice was a little weak. My speaking skills were so-so.
So I had to learn how to train my voice better so I had a stronger voice, a clearer voice. I was
better at public speaking, better at recording and so I had to study books about that, study
videos about that, study audios about that and again, practice and practice and practice, hours
and hours and hours every day.
The truth is, in the beginning of Effortless English for at least the first year, I was probably
working 14-15 hours per day. I mean, almost every moment I was free I was working. I was
working at a job and then I came home and then every moment at home I was awake I was
working on the business, some part of Effortless English. It was an all out effort, an all out effort.
All out effort means total effort, 100%.You say aha, I went all out or I had an all out effort. It means you put all of your energy, all of
your time, all of your focus into that thing and that’s what I did for at least a year, probably even
more than a year, an all out effort to succeed.
And, what was the result? Well, the result was, as you can probably guess since I’m talking to
you now many years later, the result was that the business did succeed even though I started
with almost no business knowledge or skill at all. It succeeded and it succeeded very fast. In just
six months’ I quit my job and did the business, Effortless English full-time. I was financially
independent after just six months. Most businesses don’t even survive for six months to a year.
Most fail within that time, but I was successful in just six months, which was great but I didn’t
just stop there I continued my all out effort, complete, total effort. All of my energy. All of my
emotion. All of my daily time was focused on Effortless English.
It was my top priority an all out effort, complete and total effort. Why? Well, of course, because
to succeed. But why did I do it that way? Why not just go slowly and more gradually? Well,
because when you’re facing something, a big, big, big challenge, you need an all out effort in
the beginning to overcome, to break through. Because in the beginning it’s usually the hardest
part. That’s the hardest part, because that’s when you’re facing the most fear. You probably
have the most worries, the most doubts, the most fear at the beginning. You also have the most
laziness at the beginning, because it’s a new, it’s a new project, it’s a new habit, it’s a new goal
that you have and this newness, this change it’s really tough at the beginning.
There’s so much to learn. There’s so much to do. There’s so much to overcome. You have to
overcome problems and difficulties and challenges on the outside in the world, but also, just as
importantly you have to overcome the problems and challenges on the inside, your own doubts,
your own fears, your own worries, maybe your own past failures. And your own laziness. That’s
a lot at the beginning so it can feel like this very tough extremely difficult thing to do. And to
overcome all of that you need a massive, a huge, a very, very big all out effort.
When you have an all out effort like this you create momentum. Momentum is kind of like
acceleration. No, in physics it’s not exactly the same thing, but in momentum, when we use this
word momentum in a very general way it has a scientific meaning, a very specific scientific
meaning but it also has a very general kind of meaning that we use. So in the general kind of
meaning, momentum means, it’s kind of like an acceleration. It means a gathering of energy, a
growing energy, moving in a certain direction. So it’s this idea that, let’s say you have a big rock,
a big, big rock and you’re trying to move it. That it’s the hardest to move at the beginning just to
get it started can be very, very tough even if it’s round, it’s perfectly round.
Just to get it moving it’s so big and heavy, but once you get it moving it becomes a little easier
and then you keep pushing and keep pushing, especially maybe you’re going down hill a little
bit. Then it starts getting a little faster, a little faster, easier to push, easier to push, easier,
easier, easier and then if you can get it going downhill it will start to move automatically. It has
momentum. Right, it has gathered up this energy, moving in a direction and it becomes easier
and easier and easier as you go, but in the beginning it’s very, very tough to get that rock
This is the idea of momentum and this is an idea that’s also true mentally and psychologically in
our projects that we try to do in life, especially our big, big goals, those big tough things we’re
trying to do. So we need to get that momentum going and it requires a huge amount of energy
at the beginning, this is the best strategy. Use this strategy to put your total all out effort in the
beginning of something and then later, the good news is, later you can relax. Later you can
relax. Now I’m very relaxed with Effortless English, I don’t work 15 hours a day Effortless
English, not even close. Now I can work just an hour or two if I want to. Sometimes I work morebut sometimes I work less. Sometimes I just take a day off because I feel like it. I’m much more
relaxed now because I have a lot of momentum. The business is successful. It’s growing on its
own, I don’t need to work 15 hours every single day now. But, at the beginning I needed to, I
needed that all out effort at the beginning to get it going, to break through.
Break through, you can imagine is this idea that there’s maybe a wall, there’s something in front
of you stopping you and you have to break through. You have to break through. You break
through. You have to break the wall and go through it and then you can get moving. Then you
can get where you want to go, and after you break through everything is easier. But the break
through requires a lot of effort and a lot of energy. It’s another way to imagine this all out effort.
So you need this all out effort also. As I said, in the beginning you have oftentimes, fear. Right,
there’s something you want, maybe there’s a big project you’re facing, but you have these fears
and worries, well, what if I fail? Can I do it? I don’t know. And this stops you, this is kind of a
resistance. Resistance means it’s pushing back. Or maybe there’s just uncertainty, you’re not
sure, you’re not sure and again it’s hard to get going because of that. It’s hard to succeed
because of that. And you have lots of little things to learn. You might just have a lot of ignorance
where you don’t know.
And you need to break through, you need to create that momentum and break through that
beginning huge challenge and then everything becomes easier after that. And it feels great.
When you get that break through everything becomes easier and it feels wonderful. You need
this with the VIP program. I encourage you to make an all out effort now with English, with this
VIP program. Now, I know you’re not new to English but you still will have a huge benefit from
an all out effort for just a few months, for the next few months, make a huge all out effort with
Four hours a day. Six hours a day. Do you have it in you to do even more than that every day,
getting that huge amount of repetition, repeating your VIP lessons several times every single
day, no break, seven days a week? An all out total effort to break through, finally with English, to
finally achieve thinking in English, fluency, strong, confident fluency in English and after that
English will feel so much easier.
You must remember this all out effort you don’t need to do it forever. With my business that was
a huge new project for me, a big, big challenge. So for me it was about a year, a one year all out
effort. With the VIP program do you need a one year all out effort? I don’t know, maybe not one
full year, maybe you need six months. A six month all out effort, now imagine that. I know,
maybe it seems big, but just six months of your life, six months of your life to achieve this huge,
big success with English, to reach that advanced level, that high, high level of confidence.
Thinking in English, not translating anymore. It’s worth it right? To pour all of your energy, all of
your extra free time for just six months, maybe a little more, maybe a little less up to you, but an
all out effort will give you everything you want with English. Will give you that big breakthrough
that you have been waiting for that big breakthrough.
Another way to think of this, to imagine it, another metaphor is a rocket. Imagine a rocket to take
off. Rockets have something called breakaway speed, break away velocity. Velocity just means
speed. So when a rocket first launches it’s sitting on the ground and it goes very slowly at the
beginning when it’s first rising off the ground. It looks like it’s moving very slowly. It’s using a
huge amount of energy just to get going at the beginning as it goes up and then as it goes
higher and higher the speed increases. It gets faster and faster and faster and faster as it’s
going up, higher, higher, higher, higher, higher into the sky. And then finally it gets enough
speed to break away, to get away from the earth, to get away from gravity.When it finally breaks away then it’s like everything becomes easy and effortless. That’s when
they can just turn off the engine and the rocket will keep going up and out into space. It’s the
same idea in your life for this big, big, big goal and project you have. English for sure, the VIP
program that’s why you joined it. Also something like starting your own business or changing
your career or doing something else in your life that is big, huge, new and important. You need
that breakaway speed. At the beginning is when it feels the most difficult.
You have to pour in all that energy, make it the number one thing in your life, not forever just for
a short time. That all out effort for a short time, so you get the breakaway speed and when you
get that breakaway speed finally, which is that momentum, the you can relax about it.
Now I’m quite relaxed about Effortless English. I’m doing it mostly now for enjoyment. I’ve
achieved almost all of my financial goals. I have financial freedom. So I don’t need to work 15
hours a day anymore. In the beginning if I had not done this, if in the beginning if I’d been just
trying to go gradually there’s a very good chance that I never would’ve succeeded if I had been
more relaxed in the beginning. Because, in the beginning I had so much fear, so much doubt
because I didn’t have any knowledge. I didn’t have enough knowledge that if I had tried to go at
a slower speed with less effort, there’s a good chance that my success would have come very
slowly. I would’ve had a lot more problems. I would’ve learned more slowly and maybe my
patience would’ve stopped. Maybe I would’ve just quit.
The all out effort was important in the beginning. I needed that all out effort in the beginning, and
so do you. I encourage you to do it with the VIP program. Don’t just do a gradual effort with the
VIP program, you’ve joined the VIP program for a reason. Because you are super motivated to
speak English at an advanced level, a very high level, to . Wouldn’t you rather do
that in a short time, six months to a year, put an all out total effort? And after that you can relax.
You can continue the VIP program after that, but in a more relaxed way, maybe just an hour a
day or something if you want to.
But, for this first six months to one year, all out total effort will give you everything you want.
All right, in the commentary I’m going to give you step-by-step, a strategy for this all out effort, to
get the break through that you want. With the VIP program, in English of course, with anything
else in your life. So a step-by-step process to achieve momentum, to get this big breakthrough,
to go all out for just a short time and get everything you want
I will see you in the mini story, the point of view and of course in the commentary.

For the complete Effortless English VIP, check out:

Effortless English VIP – Full Program Download

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