Category Archives: Forex & Trading

Unleashing Profitable Trades with Daniel Zanger’s Winning Strategy

Dan Zanger

Former swimming-pool contractor Dan Zanger must hold a trading record by having parlayed $10,775 into $18 million in the 18 months between June 1998 and December 1999. He bought CMGI in early January 1999 at $118, rode it to $305, then sold at $138* (*post 2 for 1 stock split) – after which the stock dropped to $87. The trade netted him more than 210 percent in four days. Eventually, the prop trader’s nest egg grew to $42 million – which shows how career changes can make the best swaps.

Why Discipline is More Important than Talent in Becoming a Profitable Trader

trading descipline

Discipline is one of the most important traits for any trader who wants to be successful. It is more important than talent, because even the most talented traders will not be profitable if they do not have the discipline to stick to their trading plan and manage their risk.

This Guy Is Possibly the World’s Best Trader….

Ed seyoka

“Mr. Seykota himself has put together a money management track record with returns of roughly +60% net of fees over the three-decade span of his trading career…”-Futures Magazine Ed Seykota, first featured in the book Market Wizards has one of the best records of all time for any trader. Ed Seykota’s record is as good […]