Tag Archives: master English learning

Mastering the Art of Thinking in English: A Step-by-Step Guide to Enhancing Fluency


Thinking in English Improves Your English Fluency It is the language of business, science, and technology, as well as the most widely spoken language in the world. If you want to succeed in today’s global economy, you need to be fluent in English. The problem is, many people do not know how to think and […]

Mastering English Faster: How Intensive Learning with Focal Skills Can Boost Your Language Proficiency

Intensive English with Focal Skills

Research indicates that students in FOCAL SKILLS programs acquire English language proficiency faster than students in most other types of Intensive English Programs (IEP). Studies have found that students in FOCAL SKILLS programs gain about 35% more English proficiency than students in other Intensive English Programs in a semester. A number of factors contribute to […]