Tag Archives: forex trading

How casinos adapt to changing market conditions (and you should do too)


Back in the 80s, it was easy to make money as a casino because there’s little to no competition.Then, competition stepped in as more casinos entered the business. And the players got “smarter”.At this point, market conditions have changed.And if a casino refuses to adapt to changing market conditions, it’ll go out of business.So what […]

How the casinos anticipate the worst and prepare for it (and you should too)


According to a study by Cesilla Horváth and Richard Paap, they found that casinos’ revenue was correlated with economic growth.This means during a recession, a casino’s business will be negatively affected as fewer people visit the casinos.So, what do they do?Well, they could…Reduce the number of staff to reduce their expense since they have fewer […]

How to Get Rich Without Getting Lucky

secret ways to get rich

1. Seek wealth, not money or status. Wealth is having assets that earn while you sleep. Money is how we transfer time and wealth. Status is your place in the social hierarchy. 2. Understand that ethical wealth creation is possible. If you secretly despise wealth, it will elude you. 3. Ignore people playing status games. […]

How do you identify supply and demand zones on a chart?

supply and demand zones

Areas of supply for a market is at overhead price levels is what creates resistance. An area of supply is a price zone where many traders and investors are holding a stock and willing to sell it. Overhead resistance is created when people sell to lock in their gains at profit target levels. A supply […]

Types of market days every trader should know about

types of market days

If you find the analysis useful, please like and share our ideas with the community. Any feedback and suggestions would help in further improving the analysis! Technical analysis is largely impacted by some very important factors. One of those very important factors is the type of the market day. Analysing the type of the market day […]

22 Trading Principles That Made Paul Tudor Jones a Legend

Paul Tudor Jones

Paul Tudor Jones’ 22 Trading Principles that made him a LegendPaul Tudor Jones famous interview and documentary “The Trader” is a classic among market professionals. It is one of the few places you can see a true Market Wizard and young money manager become a billionaire. Here are the lessons I have gleaned from watching […]

Assigning Elliott Wave Degrees

Assigning Elliott Wave Degrees

Did you know that you’re able to change the labeling of the degree of a wave when drawing Elliott Waves? Elliott Wave Degree labels assist in the identification of the fractal patterns of Elliott Waves . These degrees are used for both motive and corrective waves (though only motive waves are labeled here). Each of the degrees have a standardized notation that […]

Power of compounding interest, but why do traders still fail

Power of compounding interest, but why do traders still fail

Hello everyone! Welcome to this quick educational video on Compounding interest in trading. Today I want to break down the benefits of compounding a trading account while keeping good risk management at bay. The reason why compounding interest is so lucrative is due to investing interest on top of interest, and your trading account can […]