Whenever you advertise on some’s ad network, you need to play on their terms or follow their rules. However, you can do a couple of things to minimize your ads’ rejection or account closure and massively increase your success rate. View things from the ad network’s perspective, and obviously, you need to read the terms […]
A new article on Search Engine Journal reports on Google’s latest video in the Lightning Talks series, which presents data on the state of SEO in 2020 compared to 2019. This is all about a video in Google’s Lightning Talks series about the state of web search engine optimization. It presents data on how websites are following […]
A new article on Search Engine Journal reports that it’s possible to get a small website to rank high in search engines, but you have to be strategic. You can find out what you need to do here. Bryan in Ohio. Bryan asks: “I have a six-page website. Is it possible to rank very high […]
A new article on Search Engine Journal says that with the impending launch of the Page Experience update, Google’s John Mueller has come out and said that now is the right time to get into optimizing websites. Google’s John Mueller just responded to a user in a thread on Reddit saying that it’s a great time to […]
A new article on Search Engine Journal reports that the consumer journey is gradually playing a broader role in search. Users usually search to solve specific problems, to accomplish a range of tasks, and to get things done. Bill Gates once said: “The future of search is verbs.” He wasn’t talking about the words people use in […]
A new article on Social Media Today says that if influencer marketing is part of your 2021 digital marketing plan, many brands feel the same, and newer platforms and formats making it more difficult to keep up with the latest trends and ensure that they’re maximizing their messaging on every platform. Apps like TikTok, especially, require specific […]
A new article on Search Engine Journal reports that Google’s Danny Sullivan has just outlined two instances in which the company might need to remove content from search results. Danny Sullivan is Google’s Search Liaison, and he recently came up with two reasons why content might get removed from search results. Sometimes, content could be removed either […]
A new article on Social Media Today reports that Facebook-owned social platform, WhatsApp has announced that it will be expanding its in-app shopping options, and also giving brands some new tools for managing their interactions to maximize business potential. WhatsApp have noted a significant increase in business activity in 2020, possibly indicating to the reason behind the […]
A new article on Marketing Land reports an interview with Jep Castelstein, who is a leading independent martech technical architect and has worked on some of the world’s most complex martech implementations. His opinions of the future of martech unsettled the author, but seemingly not inaccurate. Castelstein reckons that CRM will cease to be the center of […]
Here’s one of the biggest mistakes any new affiliate marketer can and will make when they first start out. Some even keep making this same mistake for weeks, months, and years with no results. I will start this off so feel free to add your insights and opinions. One of the biggest mistakes any new […]