Just Say No to Hackers: How You Can Reinforce Your WordPress Security

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A new article on Search Engine Journal says you can learn how to protect your WordPress website from hackers with these sixteen security tips and find out what to do if your WP site is hacked.

No WordPress-specific type of security exists. However, WordPress security problems are of great interest because it powers about 40% of the web and is open source. In this piece, readers learn how to harden their WordPress site against different types of vulnerabilities.

  • Secure Your Site With HTTPS: It isn’t by accident that we’ll start by securing the website with HTTPS. Everything you do flows through the network and wire cables. HTTP exchanges data as plain text between browser and server. Therefore, anyone who has access to the network between the server and the browser is able to view your unencrypted data.
  • Always Use Strong Passwords: The most common way hackers access websites is through weak or pwned passwords. These make you vulnerable to brute-force attacks. Enhance your security by using strong passwords.
  • Use Password Managers to Store Your Passwords: When you log in while working from a public network, you can’t be sure about who is watching what you are typing on your laptop or recording your passwords. In order to solve this problem, use password managers to easily access your passwords and store them in a secure place.
  • Add CAPTCHA on the Login & Registration Form: When you’ve secured your website with HTTPS and used strong passwords, you’ve already made life for hackers pretty hard. But you can make it even more difficult by adding CAPTCHA to login forms.
  • Protect From Brute Force Login Attempts: Login CAPTCHA will give you protection against brute-force attempts up to a certain point, but not completely. Often, once captcha tokens are solved, they are valid for a few minutes. Google reCaptcha, for example, is valid for 2 minutes. Attackers can use those two minutes to try brute-force login attempts to your login form during that time.
  • Setup Two-Factor (2FA) Authentication: With secure passwords and captcha on login forms, you are more protected, yes. But what if hackers used surveillance methods and recorded the password you typed on the video to access your website? If they have your password, only two-factor authentication can protect your website from attackers.
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