A new article on Search Engine Land reports that the Google News app changes have about a week more to go.
![googles new logo](https://9wsodl.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/04/googles-new-logo.gif)
The author says that Google confirmed it had completed the page experience update rollout a few days ago. That included the updates to the Top Stories carousel on mobile search but the Google News app changes won’t be done for around a week, according to the search engine giant’s reps.
Google started rolling out the page experience update back on June 15th and informed us it would be completed by the end of August. It technically wasn’t finished before the end of August and has about a week more to go, but it’s essentially done. Here’s how Google announced that on Twitter:
The page experience rollout is complete now, including updates to Top Stories mobile carousel. Changes to Google News app have started to roll out as well and will be complete in a week or so.
This release shouldn’t have caused huge ranking changes for your website in Google Search. Partly, that’s because this was a slow rollout, and Google originally said not to expect drastic changes:
While this update is designed to highlight pages that offer great user experiences, page experience remains one of many factors our systems take into account… Given this, sites generally should not expect drastic changes
The author says you shouldn’t confuse the page experience update that uses core web vitals as a signal with core updates. The two things are unrelated and do not influence each other. In fact, the June 2021 core update just finished rolling out on June 12th. The core updates are felt more in terms of ranking fluctuations by sites in Google Search than would this page experience update.