EnglishAnyone – Amercian English Pronuciation Videos Course

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Our FREE Power Learning video course will help you and sound like a native speaker.

A FREE, comprehensive series of 12 videos, Sounds of English teaches non-native and native English speakers phonics and pronunciation. Learn how to spell, read and pronounce English like native speakers with these easy lessons. Great for self-study, or the whole family! Get confident and fluent faster with these easy lessons!

The Sounds of English – Lesson 1

Start learning the alphabet and short vowel and consonant sounds.

Welcome to The Sounds of English with .com! There are three primary colors in the English alphabet: red, yellow, and blue. If these colors are mixed, a whole rainbow of new colors will appear. You can spell, read, and say more than 40 different sounds of English if you mix them correctly.

It’s hard to understand English sometimes! “On” becomes “one.” “One” becomes “phone.” And why do some letters sound the same? “Newt” and “suit” both sound the same way. Native speakers can also be confused. We misspell words often! But don’t worry; anyone can learn English if we did!

Watch these simple, fun lessons and learn new words, improve your pronunciation, gain confidence, and start speaking fluently!

You won’t see every letter and sound combination in this video series, but we’ll show you some words that break the rules, so you’ll learn more than enough to teach yourself English.

Let’s get started! Sit back, relax, and learn!

Getting great pronunciation begins with learning the alphabet. Letter sounds change, but letter names do not, so let’s learn the alphabet first. Here goes. Please repeat after me.

Let’s forget the letters’ names now and learn some sounds instead.

English sounds are like music. Vowels can make many sounds, but we will teach you the short vowel sounds first. (Repeat short vowel sounds)

Good job! The consonants are the other letters of the alphabet. These sounds are like the beat of English music. (“tuh,” “kuh,” “sh,” “ch”) Consonants also make many sounds, but you will first learn the short consonants.

There are two sounds for the letters C and G. Hard C sounds like this (kuh). Soft C sounds like this (sss). Hard G sounds like this (guh). Soft G sounds like this (juh). Usually, the letters C and G make their hard sounds if they follow the letters A, O and U. The soft sounds are made if the letters E or I follow the letters C and G. Please repeat the short consonant sounds.

In lesson two, we’ll start building words! Great job!

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