Awaken The Offer Inside

awaken the offer inside
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We all have an info-product inside of us waiting to be shared.

Many will never create one because they either do not realize it or they may talk themselves out of it.

But you would be surprised how much value you can provide from so many sources.

  1. Your Experiences.
  2. Your Successes.
  3. Your Failures.
  4. Your Research.
  5. Your Observations.

Trends are a fantastic source of content that others would find value in.

When you spot a trend that means there will be curiosity on that topic and an audience is hungry to learn more about it.

Sometimes you can create something of value from seemingly absolutely nothing. Just sitting in front of a computer/cell like you are now.

There was a Warrior Special Offer once on the trending Adult Coloring Book popularity. I think it did fairly well.

Saw a hot trend/topic. Compiled everything he/she could find on the topic also the juicy stuff like best ways to monetize and real case studies.

I remember another Warrior Special Offer on The Top Flippa Auction Sellers.
It was a resource on what they were doing and how they were doing it that others found interesting and valuable.

Sometimes your product is right there in front of you in the form of content that you can mold as a value product others can leverage.

I had my first online marketing success right here on the Warrior Forum.

There was a thread that was so hot and popular that it began to branch off into sub-threads! 

The topic was an upcoming high ticket launch that all the Gurus were pre-selling for and Warriors were debating was it going to be worth it or not.

It was one of the most amusing threads because people had some very strong opinions. 

 Day after day that thread was on flames!

The upcoming launch was on the topic of CPA Offers.
At that time everyone knew it was going to be priced at the $2000 range.

I was a total newbie at the time and I noticed something in the thread.

It seemed like every other comment on the thread someone was asking the basic question…

“What are CPA Offers?”

But even as a newbie I knew the answer to that because I was always paying attention to live marketing campaigns to learn from them.

So I got the idea to compile everything I knew about CPA offers and all the live examples I had observed for example….

On there was a simple video getting alot of views and it was so simple that is what stood out in my mind and when I followed he link I realized it was a marketer I was familiar with and also a fellow Warrior Member back then. Jonathan Leger. 

The video was just slides of car crashes to a very cheesy James Bond theme music being played on an organ. 

But he linked it to a Car Insurance CPA Offer and when I looked it up it paid $10 per Lead!

That is why that was still in my head.

So I gathered up as many of these real campaign examples and techniques that I found on various forums utilizing CPA offers and I crammed everything into 26 page eBook and created a WSO called Cash In with CPA Offers!

Then I took the link from my new WSO and put it in my WF signature and just joined the hot thread and kept discussing the topic.

Long story short, I sold 3000 copies at $10 a pop (W+ and eJunkie) of that eBook as a total newbie on my first try and it had like 19 pages of nothing but positive comments.

I think that was back in 2009 and I had a very corny profile name like “HonestBizPro”.

One day I guess someone else liked it so much they went and registered the domain for it then I asked to have that profile deleted.

(Back then you had that option.)

But my point is just to emphasize that if you have your “Entre Eyes” open at all times there is opportunities right in front of us.

I had another WSO where I just “Featured” Very successful Internet Marketers who all had one thing in common in addition to making alot of money.

They also traveled.

That eBook also did pretty well and I just researched the back stories and analyzed the funnels of those marketers and created something others found value in.

We can do this in so many forms.

There are people here that have experiences with NFTs, Mining Bitcoins, Opening brick and mortar stores. Success during a Pandemic. So many topics that others could learn and leverage from that experience even if it was a failure it could still prove valuable learning.

What is your side hustle that you keep to yourself?

Maybe that is a hot info-product just waiting to be created.

Information, Knowledge, Observations are everywhere.

Within us and around us and you could be creating a valuable asset right now with that information.

Your content is there you just have to realize it.

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