Author Archives: Tom Hagen

Assigning Elliott Wave Degrees

Assigning Elliott Wave Degrees

Did you know that you’re able to change the labeling of the degree of a wave when drawing Elliott Waves? Elliott Wave Degree labels assist in the identification of the fractal patterns of Elliott Waves . These degrees are used for both motive and corrective waves (though only motive waves are labeled here). Each of the degrees have a standardized notation that […]

Power of compounding interest, but why do traders still fail

Power of compounding interest, but why do traders still fail

Hello everyone! Welcome to this quick educational video on Compounding interest in trading. Today I want to break down the benefits of compounding a trading account while keeping good risk management at bay. The reason why compounding interest is so lucrative is due to investing interest on top of interest, and your trading account can […]

H1 Headings: Over 50% of SEOs Are Doing it Wrong – Are You?

H1 Headings: Over 50% of SEOs

A new article on Search Engine Journal reports that a recent poll of nearly 2,000 SEOs showed more than half don’t know what Google recommends for H1 headings. There is considerable disagreement about how to use Heading (H1, H2) elements. Despite guidance from Google about the use of headings, the SEO industry still can’t agree about how […]

Examination of Anchor Text Ratios for SEO

Examination of Anchor Text Ratios for SEO

A new article on Search Engine Journal asks even though anchor Text Ratios are considered important by many SEOs for ranking in Google, are they really something to worry about? SEOs have researched millions of search results and discovered common anchor text ratios for the top ranked sites. Are these anchor text ratios the key to ranking […]

All Google Merchants Can Now Accept Payment Via Shopify

All Google Merchants Can Now Accept Payment Via Shopify

A new article on Search Engine Journal reports that Shopify checkout is becoming available to all retailers selling on Google and Facebook, even if they don’t use Shopify. All Google, Facebook, and Instagram merchants will soon be able to accept payment via Shopify, even if they don’t have a Shopify store. Shop Pay, a one-click […]

Webinar: Five ways you can transform your lead engagement and sales process says that you can align marketing and sales throughout the buyer’s journey. Martech says that your lead engagement process involves a lot of moving parts. It requires harmony between people and technology to work properly. But reality gets in the way. Even the most thoughtfully designed lead engagement processes fall prey to Murphy’s Law–anything that […]