Author Archives: Tom Hagen

Why you should quit trading if the pain of losing money hurts you too much


This might not win me friends but it must be said…Not everyone is meant to be a trader. Yup, you read me right. Not everyone is meant for trading.Why?Because trading involves risk and not everyone can embrace risk in the same manner.Here’s a true story…When I was studying in polytechnic at 18 years old, I […]

Why this is the most powerful thing a casino has at its disposal (and you should have it too)


Imagine:There’s a special coin in your hands.Every time it comes up heads, you win $2. And every time it comes up tails, I win $1.Now in the long run, who will win?You, of course! Because you have a mathematical edge over me.And it doesn’t matter whether you’re gambling at a casino, betting on horses, or […]

Why Warren Buffet can never bankrupt a casino (even if he wants to)

warren buffet

Warren Buffet, the greatest investor of all time, is worth USD 67.7 billion (as of this writing).Now, let’s assume that Warren Buffet has turned evil and wants to bankrupt all casinos.He plans to play Blackjack with the casinos and bet $5 billion on each hand. If he wins, he can easily bankrupt all casinos.But that […]

How to generate consistent profits like a casino (it’s not a rocket science)


Here’s the thing:Every casino in the world has an edge over the players.But, why are some casinos more profitable than others? And why do some casinos even go bankrupt?On the surface, it seems like all you need is a statistical advantage over the players for you to mint money.But, that’s only one small part of […]

How casinos adapt to changing market conditions (and you should do too)


Back in the 80s, it was easy to make money as a casino because there’s little to no competition.Then, competition stepped in as more casinos entered the business. And the players got “smarter”.At this point, market conditions have changed.And if a casino refuses to adapt to changing market conditions, it’ll go out of business.So what […]

How the casinos anticipate the worst and prepare for it (and you should too)


According to a study by Cesilla Horváth and Richard Paap, they found that casinos’ revenue was correlated with economic growth.This means during a recession, a casino’s business will be negatively affected as fewer people visit the casinos.So, what do they do?Well, they could…Reduce the number of staff to reduce their expense since they have fewer […]

How to Get Rich Without Getting Lucky

secret ways to get rich

1. Seek wealth, not money or status. Wealth is having assets that earn while you sleep. Money is how we transfer time and wealth. Status is your place in the social hierarchy. 2. Understand that ethical wealth creation is possible. If you secretly despise wealth, it will elude you. 3. Ignore people playing status games. […]

Stanley Druckenmiller on Diversification in Trading

stanley druckenmiller

“I have always made big concentrated investments. I don’t believe in diversification. I don’t believe that’s the way to make money.” “You are not going to make money talking about risk adjusted returns and diversification. You’ve got to identify the big opportunities and go for them.” “As far as Soros is concerned, when you’re right […]