Udemy – Build Amazing Websites w/ HTML, CSS, Sass, JavaScript & More

How to build amazing websites: professional, beautiful and responsive,Learn the skills needed to become a front-developer,Learn the fundamentals of web design,Learn the fundamentals of JavaScript,Modern CSS techniques to create stunning designs and effects,Step by Step website projects using HTML5 and CSS3,Sass project: global variables, architecting CSS, managing media queries, etc.,jQuery animation effects, scroll effects and “sticky” navigation,Advanced CSS animations,How to make your website stand out,Learn the fundamentals of SEO,Website projects for you to follow step by step,How to get web design clients,Ready-to-use email scripts for getting clients,Ready-to-use proposal template,Ready-to-use consultation scripts for getting clients,Flexbox layouts: build a project with flexbox,Advanced responsive design: media queries, mobile vs desktop,NPM: development workflows and building processes
