This was Ross’s last Speed Seduction Seminar featuring guest appearance and coaching from Hayley Quinn.  It is not available anymore.

Ross is now implementing a new seminar called Speed Seduction – The New Code starting in July 2015.  He is focused more on healing now (probably after his heart attack scare) and meditation is also a main focus of his as some of you SS Students already know (when does he not mention Shinzen Young? lol).

If you are a long time student or new to SS or simply want to find out more about Hayley Quinn’s teaching style (which Ross holds in high regard) then this course will be great for your interest level.



Now That I’ve Got That Off My Chest, Let’s
Cut To The Damned Chase:
If you missed the London Speed Seduction seminar we just finished.

I Only Feel A LITTLE Sorry For You!

Here is why:

Yes, it’s true. In London I was on fire.

Doing some of my most awesome change work with students;
Bringing on awesome, brand-new “Ross Plays With Girls” demos that you all love;
And much, much more!
Yes, many students who had attended previous seminars said it was the best one yet.

And now, guess what?

RIGHT [email protected]@KING NOW, the complete, unedited footage is ready for you to view in the comfort and privacy of your own home.

We just uploaded the footage to a special “members only site” where it is available for immediate viewing, yours to keep and enjoy FOREVER.

Here is some of what awaits you when you claim your instant access:

The Real Way To Make A Woman Incredibly Attracted To You By Understanding “The Matrix” Of Female Attraction
Use Hayley’s Exclusive Blueprint For Deep Connection To Make Her Realise She’s Never Met A Man Like You Before
Become A Man She Is Magnetised By – No Matter What You Look Like
Let Your Non-Verbal Cues Do The Talking And Turn Her On Without You Saying A Word
And Much, Much More In Hayley’s Highly Interactive Presentation (You Saw A Taste In The Video Above)
Listen: Hayley’s a skyrocketing star in the European media and press and is already kicking the crap out of her competition. So you just have to get in on this now and enjoy this brainy, sexy dynamo’s hands-on training and teaching.


SalesPage (more info)

Speed Seduction –  Total Immersion London 2014 Contents: Videos



Speed Seduction – Total Immersion London 2014 PART 1
Speed Seduction – Total Immersion London 2014 PART 2
Speed Seduction – Total Immersion London 2014 PART 3
Speed Seduction – Total Immersion London 2014 PART 4
Speed Seduction – Total Immersion London 2014 PART 5
Speed Seduction – Total Immersion London 2014 PART 6
Speed Seduction – Total Immersion London 2014 PART 7

Size: 12.4 GB