Christina Beavers - The Reel Deal

Christina Beavers - The Reel Deal

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115 files in 11 folders (14.28 GB)
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01-Module 1 Mindset and Pregame697.2 MB11/15/2024, 6:42:03 AM
02-Module 2 Preparation882.0 MB11/15/2024, 6:42:23 AM
03-Module 3 Lets Start933.6 MB11/15/2024, 6:42:47 AM
04-Module 4 Lets Create Reels - Part 16.01 GB11/15/2024, 6:45:03 AM
05-Module 5 Lets Create Reels - Part 21.58 GB11/15/2024, 6:45:37 AM
06-Module 6 The Algorithm1.26 GB11/15/2024, 6:46:04 AM
07-Module 7 Your Funnels1007.5 MB11/15/2024, 6:46:24 AM
08-Module 8 The Sale1.08 GB11/15/2024, 6:46:46 AM
09-Module 9 Create Your Profitable Digital Product950.8 MB11/15/2024, 5:18:55 PM
10-Module 10 Bonus ManyChat Templates19 KB11/14/2024, 12:58:41 AM
00-The Reel Deal Course.pdf54 KB11/14/2024, 12:56:01 AM
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