Tanner Planes - Digital Dropshipping Mastery + Zero To $1M With Facebook Ads (www.9wsodl.com)

Tanner Planes - Digital Dropshipping Mastery + Zero To $1M With Facebook Ads (www.9wsodl.com)

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231 files in 32 folders (10.50 GB)
Generated by 9wsodl.com
00-Start Here2.0 MB1/6/2023, 5:29:51 PM
01-The Setup406.6 MB1/6/2023, 5:29:52 PM
01-Zero to $1M With Facebooks Ads3.35 GB1/6/2023, 5:29:56 PM
02-Data Tracking286.3 MB1/6/2023, 5:30:34 PM
02-Digital Dropshipping Mastery4.41 GB1/6/2023, 5:30:36 PM
03-Ad Creatives440.9 MB1/6/2023, 5:31:27 PM
04-Product Launching390.2 MB1/6/2023, 5:31:33 PM
05-Data Backed Decision Making629.0 MB1/6/2023, 5:31:36 PM
06-Optimizing Your Funnel277.9 MB1/6/2023, 5:31:43 PM
07-Creating Offer Variations378.2 MB1/6/2023, 5:31:47 PM
SalesPage..url71 bytes11/3/2021, 1:06:58 AM
SalesPage.url71 bytes11/3/2021, 1:08:25 AM
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