Rob Andolina - Google Ads Training Academy

Rob Andolina - Google Ads Training Academy

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150 files in 20 folders (6.27 GB)
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01-New to Google Ads WATCH THIS FIRST Quickstart Campaign Setup668.2 MB9/26/2024, 3:48:06 PM
02-Module 1- Introduction to Google Ads1.33 GB9/26/2024, 3:48:54 PM
03-Module 2- Understanding The Google Ads Auction + Bidding149.8 MB9/26/2024, 3:49:02 PM
04-Module 3- Understanding Google Ads Quality Score Metric176.6 MB9/26/2024, 3:49:10 PM
05-Module 4- Correct Campaign - Ad Group Structure479.7 MB9/26/2024, 3:49:26 PM
06-Module 5- Write Ad Copy That Converts551.0 MB9/26/2024, 3:49:40 PM
07-Module 6- Understanding Keywords, Keyword Match Types & More337.6 MB9/26/2024, 3:49:58 PM
08-Module 7- Negative Keywords And WHY You Must Have Them250.3 MB9/26/2024, 3:50:09 PM
09-Module 8- Simple Landing Pages And WHY You Need to Use Them ASAP153.8 MB9/26/2024, 3:50:15 PM
10-Module 9- Setting Up Conversion Tracking Correctly460.3 MB9/26/2024, 3:50:32 PM
11-Module 10- How to Optimize And Manage Your AdWords Campaigns1.01 GB9/26/2024, 3:51:14 PM
12-Module 11- Setting Up Location Extensions & Google My Business Page66.3 MB9/26/2024, 3:51:18 PM
13-Module 12- More Advanced Google Ads Scripts And How They Work146.0 MB9/26/2024, 3:51:23 PM
14-Module 13- Google Ads Editor Basics & Functions91.8 MB9/26/2024, 3:51:26 PM
15-Module 14- Call Only Ads - A-Z Call Only Campaign Build295.9 MB9/26/2024, 3:51:35 PM
16-Module 15- Creating An MCC Account For Easier Client Management28.4 MB9/26/2024, 3:51:37 PM
17- Google Ads Reports-Setting Up Reporting165.2 MB9/26/2024, 3:51:38 PM
18-Resources Tab Our Favorite Must Have Tools - Softwares36 KB9/26/2024, 3:51:43 PM
19- BONUS3.4 MB9/26/2024, 3:51:45 PM
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