John Bejakovic - Most Valuable Email

John Bejakovic - Most Valuable Email

10 files in 1 folders (291.9 MB)
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01-How I use an email copywriting trick to transform dry ideas into fun content, unquestionable authority, and exciting offers.pdf930 KB12/5/2023, 6:25:04 AM
02-I’m an important and amazing guy and therefore you will love this page.pdf755 KB12/5/2023, 6:25:17 AM
03-Why Gary Bencivenga held his famous farewell seminar at the $750 per night St. Regis Hotel.pdf624 KB12/5/2023, 6:25:29 AM
04-My 12 rules of Most Valuable Emails.pdf905 KB12/5/2023, 6:25:32 AM
05.1-3 resources to get you started with writing Most Valuable Emails.pdf1.2 MB12/5/2023, 6:25:37 AM
05.2-Carlo Most Valuable Email critique.mp454.6 MB12/5/2023, 6:30:23 AM
05.3-Alex Most Valuable Email critique.mp489.2 MB12/5/2023, 6:30:24 AM
05.4-Van Most Valuable Email critique.mp484.2 MB12/5/2023, 6:30:24 AM
05.5-Cindy Most Valuable Email critique.mp459.5 MB12/5/2023, 6:30:24 AM
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