Consider this: You either know how Discover operates or you don’t.
If you don’t know how it operates, well you will have to spend months on end figuring out how to get your site on Discover. If you get a hit, start a spreadsheet and start tracking what headline, what images, what angles get picked consistently and then make your strategy.
Or let me hand you all of the above on a silver platter. The 7 key factors to getting into Discover, the 6 elements of wildly successful articles, my AI prompts & more.
Heck, I’m even providing you with my spreadsheet with the top 102 top demographics to target & 78 top adjectives to use in your headlines. It’s normally an internal tool for my site but I’m throwing it in here.
So if you’ve been considering Google Discover, simply scroll down to get started right away.
Curious about what’s inside? Here’s what’s revealed in each chapter…
7 Keys to getting into Discover
Did you know? If your site is ranking on Google, it’s eligible for Google Discover. But just because it’s eligible doesn’t mean Google’s going to start sending you traffic. No sirree. Luckily, I’ve identified the 7 key factors to get your articles featured in Discover. You’ll find the tell-all in chapter 1.
Hijacking news content
Fun fact: Discover just LOVES fresh content. In this chapter I reveal how to hijack news content in order to “tempt” Google into discovering your site. Includes done-for-you ChatGPT / AI prompt to make things easier than ever.
Decoding the recommendation engine
NEW traffic on OLD articles
Articles that are irresistible to Discover
A huge part of the reason why you’ve never enjoyed Discover traffic is simply because your articles are too vanilla.
6 Elements of wildly successful articles
The Discover NEXUS
What Google doesn’t want you to know
BONUS: Discover Cheat Sheets
As a FREE BONUS to my Google Discover playbook, I will also give you access to my Discover Cheat Sheet (an internal tool) where I have compiled:
- The top 102 Top demographics to target
- 78 Top adjectives to use in your headlines
- Top 100 Interests that Discover loves to pick up
All of this in an easy-to-use Google spreadsheet for easy reference
I have been online since 2005 and have generated over a Billion page views.
I’ve weathered multiple Google updates, and since I share what I’ve learned,
here’s what others had to say about me…
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