Powerful ways to accelerate your dating success and experience mastery level results with women now, not next year.
7 hours, 35 mins.
Mastery Methods & Mindsets provides you with challenging actions to take (methods) and ways of thinking (mindsets) that will rapidly take your confidence and success with women to the next level and beyond.
The Mindsets will eliminate many of the fears and anxieties you feel around women and will replace them with confidence, calmness and self-assurance.
The Methods are fun, challenging things for you to do that push you outside your comfort zone and into interactions with women.
Mastery Methods & Mindsets has been designed to take you to the mastery level of confidence and success with women, dating and relationships. Whether you still fear approaching, lack belief in yourself or simply find it difficult transitioning from a conversation to a date and into a loving relationship – Mastery Methods & Mindsets will help get you there fast.
As you listen to Mastery Methods & Mindsets, you will notice that your true, inner confidence begins to unlock and become available to you. After listening to the entire program, you will be able to express your true self around women so much more naturally and easily, without feeling anxious or nervous. You will stop being held back by fear when you want to talk to a woman, ask her out or move in for a kiss.
SIZE: 423 MB
The Modern Man – Dan Bacon – Mastery Methods And Mindsets Contents: Audios
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