Equities Earning Strategy
Don’t get caught making the same usual gamble trades during earnings season ever again.
Be in the right stocks that have a HUGE opportunity for winners when they release their earnings, and often times you get the price rip even before they announce.
The Equity Earnings Strategy keeps you out of the high-risk, low-reward earnings trades that everyone on TV and Twitter is gambling on, and gets you into the ones that make real money.
Each earnings season the strategy has 2-3 really busy weeks where all the gains are made for the entire quarter.
The big gains are made in only a couple of the trades, but 10-20 trades are taken…we don’t know which ones are going to hit, so we take them all.
Occasionally we have an earning season that fizzles, and occasionally we have a home run season.
Rather than reading earnings reports, and analysts’ reports, listening to countless hours of CNBC and digging through the Wall Street Journal to guess at what Tesla or Apple *might* do, use the equity earnings strategy and position yourself for the most likely outcomes.
What you’ll get:
Full Rules-Based System
10+ Videos explaining the strategy and edge cases
Quantitative Spreadsheet to filter the universe of stocks down to the most attractive
SIZE: 1,35 GB
Pollinate Trading – Equities Earnings Strategy Contents: Videos, Xlsx, Txts
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