Find Your Dream Market and Create a Feeding Frenzy
Discover the Unstoppable Advertising System Proven for 60 Years to Succeed In Any Economy and Under Any Government Leader
You Don’t Even Have To Like Writing To Make A Handsome Profit…
Very Wealthy Plumbers, Accountants, Stock Brokers, Carpet Cleaners, Roofers, Mattress Store Owners, Dentists and IT Professionals Can All Confirm THE PROCESS WORKS
Breakthrough Advertising is not simply a book about writing a good advertisement or compelling sales copy…
It’s an advertising system that SHOWS you in great detail:
In short, it’s a system that shows you how to THINK like the master himself…Eugene Schwartz.
That’s the true secret.
It’s not about writing.
It’s about developing your ability to look at a market and see the opportunities that others cannot.
It involves a process that you’ll see in action in just a second…
“In the know” business owners have been applying Gene’s system to their marketing for more than 50 years…
…creating a life of freedom and wealth for themselves, their teams and their families.
These business owners weren’t any smarter than you or I.
They didn’t come from vast sums of money.
They simply understood how to follow a process.
And it is this process that is described in the pages of Breakthrough Advertising and Breakthrough Advertising Mastery.
Best of all, it’s a process that is backed by more than 50 years of compounding proof.
I’m not aware of any other book that can make and sustain a claim like this decade after decade, in any economy and under any government leader.
Let’s walk through the basic strategy of persuasion found inside Breakthrough Advertising and Breakthrough Advertising Mastery.
There are three essential steps at the heart of Gene’s system.
Step 1: Identify the dominant desire that creates your market.
Every person who buys from you is looking for a transformation.
They desire to move from where they are currently into a new reality.
Identifying this dominant desire is your first step and it’s the focus of Chapter 1 of Breakthrough Advertising and Breakthrough Advertising Mastery.
Step 2: Identify how your product’s performance creates the market’s desired transformation.
You need to show the market that the transformation they desire is the natural outcome of using your product.
The market needs to see that the solution to their problem runs through your product.
You will start learning Gene’s process for doing this in chapters two and three of Breakthrough Advertising and Breakthrough Advertising Mastery.
Step 3: Segment your market based on their state of awareness and sophistication level.
States of Awareness and Levels of Market Sophistication are probably the two most quoted concepts from Breakthrough Advertising.
Unfortunately, they’re also the most misunderstood.
And that’s due to the number of marketers who teach their own interpretations of these concepts, watering them down and diluting their true power.
The States of Awareness and Levels of Market Sophistication are first introduced to you in Chapters 3 and 4 of Breakthrough Advertising. But they are woven into every chapter that follows.
The important thing for you to grasp right now is this:
At each State of Awareness and each Level of Market Sophistication, your prospect is asking a different set of questions that your marketing must answer.
“One size fits all” marketers waste their time and money when they show Product Aware messaging to a Problem Aware audience.
These two market segments are asking completely different questions.
Inside Breakthrough Advertising and Breakthrough Advertising Mastery you will see how to identify the questions that your market is asking at each level.
And this will allow your marketing to build a deeper bond with your audience because it will feel more personal.
Inside Breakthrough Advertising Mastery you’ll get:
This is HUGE! See The Ads That Inspired Gene While Writing Breakthrough Advertising
We tracked down nearly every ad mentioned in Breakthrough Advertising and printed them in full color for you inside Breakthrough Advertising Mastery.
Then we organized them by page number so that when Gene mentions an ad in passing, you can quickly look it up.
You’ll be able to see the ads that Gene references as he saw them.
You’ll even see different versions of the same ads which will show you how the advertisers at the time changed their messaging to increase response.
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