Gary Vaynerchuk – One Entrepreneur’s Take on Leadership, Social Media, and Self-Awareness [Audiobook + Ebook]

Top reviews from the United States

Bruna Martinuzzi

Reviewed in the United States on March 15, 2016

You would have to pay a lot of money to hire a consultant to advise you on the many issues that this book covers. The book is full of real-world tips for anyone who wants to be more successful in this rapidly-changing world of business and social media. The challenge in writing this review is in deciding which of the gold nuggets to mention. Here is a small list of the many answers you will get from Gary’s book:

•Who to pitch an app to: “it’s strategic to consider an investor’s history if you want to predict their interests in the future.”
•The best way to grow a following
•Interesting advice on recycling content
•Whether or not you should create videos for FB rather than YouTube
•Smart advice on how a business should use Pinterest
• Why you should not automate your tweets
• The difference between a jab and a hook and should your landing page be a jab or a right hook
• Whether you should pay more attention to Twitter than Instagram
• How to handle social media if you are an employee of a “strict” company
• Secrets to driving book sales
• How to engage with audiences reluctant to talk publicly about products they use, e.g. if you are marketing hair loss products, etc.
• The biggest secret for a flawless presentation: gold advice from a man who is a natural at public speaking
• and much more!

There are also many clever and inspiring turns of phrases that I loved. For example:

“Passion is an unmatched fuel.”
“Your success is not predicated on your zip code.”
“Facebook is content awareness gold.”
“Use Twitter search to act as your bionic ears.”

Inspiring metaphors in the book: cloud and dirt. Cloud: “High end philosophy and beliefs; the heart of everything you do. It’s the huge picture.” Dirt: it’s about “being a practitioner and executing towards those clouds.” We tend to play in the middle.

I also learned about new sites I wasn’t aware of: Yik Yak, Meerkat, Medium, Meetup, Yo, Ello, Outbrain, Taboola, Hexagram. If you are not aware of these, you might want to check them all.

The book has something for everyone: whether you are a restaurant owner, a high school senior, a college professor who needs to engage with his students, a photographer, a funeral director, a charity dealing with depressing content, a musician, music teacher or music producer, a sales professional (very important advice here), or a human resources person (e.g. the best place to hire employees and other issues of hiring) — It’s all in these 22 chapters, written in brief, easily digestible pieces.

A bonus is a charming chapter on wine that I enjoyed.

This self-confessed man “who eats pressure for breakfast…” brings an energy and immediacy in the way he provides advice from one question to the next, and I found myself devouring the book in one sitting. He might just succeed in getting you to “hustle until there is not a drop of juice left” as he puts it.

In answer to how he would like to be remembered, Gary said: “. . . as someone who made an effort to help people do things that make them happy. . .” That sums up what he might very well achieve for you with the writing of this timely book.

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