Become a VMware Spring Professional certified
If you are interested in passing Spring Professional Certification Exam and having a Spring Professional Certification , we are here to help! We have compiled a database of questions from actual exams in order to help you prepare for and pass your exam.
If you are an experienced Java developer and using the Spring framework and you think that you can pass Spring certification without much preparation, I suggest you first go through that course, and if you can score over 80% then you are ready for the real exam.
This course is intended for those who want become a Spring Professional Certified by taking the EDU-1202 Exam as well as those who want to test their knowledge of Spring. It’s a practice test to prepare for your spring certification exam and crack the Spring Professional Certification exam, one of the most in-demand certifications for Java developers. So If you are aiming for Spring certification then you will love these tests. These are 360+ unique and high-quality practice tests to prepare for Spring Professional Certification (VMware EDU-1202).
Each practice test has a detailed explanation for each question which you can check after going through the test and reviewing the wrong questions.
If you don’t know, Spring Professional certification is a very in-demand certification and also a great way to improve your Spring framework skills. There are many tangible and intangible benefits of passing Spring certification and these practice tests are great for that.
Once you complete the test, you can review questions to learn about which question you did wrong and why. This is the best way to improve your knowledge of the subject. For a good score, it’s imperative for you to have good knowledge of exam topics and explanations will help you with that.
You can use these practice tests to build the speed and accuracy required to pass this prestigious certification for Java developers. This certification is now awarded by VMware and also called the VMware EDU-1202 exam.
The practice test covers all exam topics and the number of questions is also distributed depending upon their weightage on the actual exam to provide you a true test before the actual example
It is more important than ever to use practice exams before appearing for EDU-1202 exam because this exam covers a wide range of topics. They range from basic to really advanced. That’s a lot of topics to study! It is not easy to remember all the information just by reading a book. You must train your mind to retain important information so that you can answer the questions in the exam. Practicing with these exams will ensure that you will not skip over critical information.
The Spring Professional certification exam is designed to test and validate your understanding of and familiarity with core aspects of Spring and Spring Boot such as: Configuration, Component-scanning, AOP, Data access and Transactions, REST, Spring Security, Auto-configuration, Actuator, Spring Boot Testing.
Once you have gone through the test you can also check the detailed explanation to understand the topic in depth. It’s imperative for you to have good knowledge of exam topics and explanations will help you with that.
If you have any doubt, ask in the Q&A section and we’ll try to answer those questions. All the best for your Spring certification exam.
Exam Details:
Spring Professional certification is a 50-multiple-choice exam, with a passing score of 76% correctness. (In other words, you must answer 38 or more questions correctly.) Candidates are given 90 minutes to complete the exam, which includes adequate time to complete the exam for non-native English speakers
Exam topics:
The exam is made of the following topics below.
– Container, Dependency, and IOC
– Aspect-Oriented Programming (AOC)
– Data Management: JDBC, Transactions
– Spring Data JPA
– Spring MVC Basics
– Spring MVC REST
– Security
– Testing
– Spring Boot Basics
– Spring Boot Auto Configuration
– Spring Boot Actuator
– Spring Boot Testing
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