Udemy – Facebook Marketing: A Step-by-Step to Your First 1000 Fans!

Get a Meaningful understanding of What Facebook is and does,Understand the Purpose of your Facebook page,Learn the most empowering mindsets to embody,Learn the 5 critical elements of every fan page,Optimize your Page name to convert more fans,Optimize your Pictures to convert more fans,Optimize your Desriptions to convert more fans,Optimize your Apps and Tabs to convert more fans,How to utilise existing content to maximise Likes,Learn the purpose of your Facebook content,Discover how NOT to get Facebook likes,Learn the most effective strategies to attracting relevant and genuine Facebook Fans,Understand the Facebook Newsfeed Algorithm,And Consequentially post content to take advantage of the Newsfeed algorithm,How to discover your Facebook voice?,How to excel with customer service,How to use your Facebook like momentum to accelerate you to your goals,Advanced Facebook Like strategies,How to interpret and respond to Facebook insights,How to be in control and leverage your Facebook Fans
