Udemy – Absolute Arabic language course, from Zero to Hero

You will learn how to read any Arabic text perfectly,You will learn Greeting,You will learn all Pronouns and how to use it .,You will learn all Prepositions and how to use it.,You will learn all Conjunctions and how to use it .,You will learn all Question tools and how to use it .,You will learn all Negation tools and how to use it .,You will learn all numbers and how to use it .,You will learn all days and how to use it .,You will learn time and how to use say it and ask abiut it .,You will learn date, how to ask and how to answer .,You will learn all months in easy way .,You will learn present time in Arabic language .,You will learn past time in Arabic language .,You will learn future time in Arabic language .,You will learn directions in Arabic language .,You will learn how to ask for taxi in Arabic language .,You will learn how book room in hotel in Arabic language .,You will learn all thing about resturant in Arabic language .,You will learn weather in Arabic language .,You will learn fruits and vegetables in Arabic language .,You will learn what is in home in Arabic language .,You will learn what is in classroom in Arabic language .,will practice how to read . how to ask and how to answer
