Class Breakdown
Fibonacci analysis within the financial markets dates back to the early 12th century, and the underlying principles date back 2,000 years to Pythagoras. What is important for modern retail traders to understand is that Fibonacci Analysis is not a modern-day phenomenon and much can be (should be!) learned from the historical examples we have.
The primary goal of Fibonacci Analysis is to create a framework for market movements. In class you will hear this referred to as the “Grid.” Unfortunately, the vast majority of retail traders fail to recognize the grid within which their stock is trading. Trading should have very clear “Go” or “No-Go” decisions based on an appropriate interaction of your price graph with your analysis Grid… yet many traders continue to make decisions based on a gut feeling or a certain balance of abstract observations. Let’s stop that! It is time to understand the grid your chart is moving within, and trade with confidence.
In this 4-class series, you will learn the core elements of Fibonacci Analysis necessary to establish a grid on your chart. You will learn to forecast retracements and extensions. You will understand the importance of confluence and trading “zones.” You will also understand how to apply Fibonacci Angles and have an overview that applies fibs to the X-Axis (Time).
Question: Will I understand the Fibonacci Analysis used in Power Trader LIVE after completing this course?
Answer: Yes! That is one of the primary reasons this program was created, to catch our Foundations students up to speed with Fibonacci Analysis used in Power Trader LIVE.
You Will Learn
- Fibonacci Retracements
- Fibonacci Target Zones
- Confluence
- The Trade Matrix
- Fibonacci Angles
- Time Forcasting
- Integration in your trading plan
- And much more…
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TradeSmart University – Fibs In 4 Contents: Videos, Pdfs
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