The only lazy way left to make a fortune as a copywriter!
“The Greatest Copywriting Secret Never Told”
If you’re struggling to write 8, 12, 24 or 36-page salesletters – and you’re looking for a FASTER, EASIER and MORE PROFITABLE way to make six figures or more per year as a copywriter – then what I am now going to reveal to you may come as a HUGE and very WELCOME surprise.
Dear Friend,
Matt Furey
My name is Matt Furey and I’ve made millions of dollars as an email copywriter. Many top marketers, Mark Ford, Dan Kennedy, Matt Bacak, Caleb O’Dowd, Harlan Kilstein, Ben Settle and many more, call me the “world’s greatest E-mail copywriter.”
Why? Because each day I sit before a keyboard and write emails that are 400-600 words in length. Most of these emails are written in about 10-12 minutes. Most of them are written without correction. I don’t re-read what I write. I don’t edit. I just write and hit send.
Minutes later my email list receives one of my daily zingers, and the money starts flowing into my business almost as easily as my next inhale and exhale.
What does this have to do with YOU? A lot.
Let me set the stage: Several years ago I put 9 people in a room at $10,000.00 each and began to teach them my unique approach to email copywriting. Only one person in the room had any copywriting experience – and he wasn’t making a fortune with his emails.
The others in the room were total green horns. They had never written copy before. Not one line.
Nevertheless, I promised these people three things:
- Writing copy is easy. It is NOT hard work.
- I can teach you how to write fabulous email copy inside of 48 hours.
- You will make a fortune if you do what I say.
They were scared to death when we started –
but 48 hours later???
When this workshop began the attendees were scared. They heard me say that I could teach them how to write great email copy within 48 hours. They heard me say it was easy. And they heard me say they could make big bucks with this extraordinary skill.
But they didn’t believe me.
And why should they? After all, to date, we have been repeatedly told that it takes 1000 hours of practice just to reach a level of competency as a salesletter writer. This is true for most people.
It was NOT, however, true for me – and there are a number of important reasons why. And those reasons were precisely what I was going to download into the minds of the 9 people attending my workshop.
Number one, I had to over-ride an erroneous belief that writing email copy is hard and that they could learn this highly desirable skill inside of 48 hours. Number two, I had to be able to teach them the skill so that they could go out and make ten times what they paid for the event very quickly.
The Original Matt Furey Email Copywriting Seminar Group Buy Contains: MP3s & Pdfs
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