ATTENTION: 80% Of Your Website Traffic Is Being WASTED!
(Don’t Be A Traffic Waster!)
How We Recaptured $31,287 In Sales From Lost “Non-Buying” Traffic And How We Do This On Autopilot Every Single Week!
I Am Going To Walk You Through Our Exact Blueprint For Creating Highly Effective Retargeting Campaigns That Consistently Generate A Return On Investment Of 1000% Or More!
(This Retargeting Blueprint Works In
ANY Niche Market, No Matter How Obscure)
Let me as you a question that may sound silly, but in fact is quite serious…
Do you like throwing money away?
I’ll bet you answered no, but in all honesty that is EXACTLY WHAT YOU ARE DOING if you are not leveraging “retargetting” on all your websites and pages.
In fact, when you look deeper its much worse than that.
By not effectively using retargeting you are…
- Spending more than necessary on your traffic.
- Damaging your offers conversion rate.
- Losing a substantial amount of new customers.
- Making it impossible to re-market to traffic you already paid for.
- Stunting the growth of your business.
Despite all that…
90% of business owners are NOT using retargeting in their business.
The really sad part is, that by and large the same business owners who are not using it are aware of retargeting AND KNOW THEY SHOULD BE USING IT!
The problem has been that implementing this this low cost & super targeted traffic source into a business was a confusing, technical and difficult to setup process for most people.
It was also difficult to measure return on investment, so many people who did get retargeting set up would still give up on it because they couldn’t figure out if this was working.
This is where myself and the Build Grow Scale team come to the rescue.
We have been using retargeting since the early days and have mastered a step-by-step process for creating and implementing highly profitable retargeting campaigns into all of our various businesses.
At this point it’s pretty much plug and play.
I Want To Share It With You!
To my way of thinking, when you have something awesome, the worst thing you can do is keep it to yourself.
Beyond that, “retargeting” is not something that has any possible chance of becoming saturated or over used. It has worked from day 1 and will still be working right on up until the internet dies…and we all know how likely that is.
Plus, I know for a fact, without a shadow of doubt, that no matter what business or niche you are in that Retargeting WILL help you achieve more success with your business.
Exactly What You’ll Be Getting…
Before we go on, there are 2 things you need to understand…
1. This is a LIVE Workshop with me and my team, NOT some pre recorded cheese ball course.
2. This is a $500 training program. You won’t have to pay that today, but that is the real, honest to goodness price that it will be sold for.
I tell you that to squash any thoughts you may have about this being one of those cheap products of the day you see touted everywhere.
This isn’t like anything else you’ve ever purchased (and you will buy this…if you’re serious about business) and it isn’t like other “workshops” you might have purchased.
There is no fluff. There is no filler.
This is 100% pure, uncensored, HARD CORE marketing content …specifically for “A-Players” who want to absolutely crush it online.
When you leave this training you will be equipped with everything you need in order to skyrocket your businesses income!
Here’s just a small fraction of what you’ll be getting…
- Our super simple 6 step system to get retargeting live on any website. (with this you’ll be up and running in less than an hour)
- Why 99% of people who use retargeting do it wrong and how to ensure you are not one of those people.
- Our multi-step approach to sales funnel retargeting – do this right and get 1000% or more ROI.
- Why you must BURN pixels as fast as you place them. (This is critical for growth, but nobody gets it.)
- How to happily embrace loss leader paid traffic and turn those lost high CPC visitors into buyers at a only pennies per sale.
- Our tiered campaign structure for using retargeting on ecommerce websites.
- An Advanced advertising trick that you can use to arbitrage CHEAP Facebook traffic into EVEN CHEAPER long term traffic. (this strategy will blow you away)
- What sequential retargeting is and exactly how you can implement it in your business immediately.
- A sneaky “partner traffic” trick that will grow your retargeting list by thousands per day – we are currently growing one of our lists by 250,000 people per month using this ‘trick’.
- How we leverage multiple networks and get our ads shown on major websites like Drudge, Facebook, Skype, eBay, CBS, CNN, USA Today and Huffingtonpost – all for pennies per click.
- What “VPP” is and why it is the most important Metric we look at in our business. (I guarantee you are not measuring this)
- Effective conversion tracking so you can scale up your ads for maximum Return On Investment.
- How we use retargeting to convert more front end sales, build email lists, sell continuity and launch new products all at the same time.
- How to START SMALL and GROW FAST with this training. If this seems overwhelming…relax. I will show you how to start implementing these strategies and systems into your business, no matter how big or how small your company is right now…we build a business the same way we eat an elephant…one bite at a time!
- And a TON more…
Remember, this is a Crash Course workshop. That means no holds barred and no stone left unturned.
Not only will you learn everything above and more, but you will also have access to ME, Los and the Build Grow Scale Team and be able to ask me questions throughout the entire workshop.
The last time I did training like this I stayed on the call for an extra 2 hours answering questions and doing critiques!
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