You’re somebody who can’t hook the set when you approach…
You routinely get girls turning away from you off the open…
You regularly get the crinkled “bitch face” and an accompanying “WHAT?” off your open…
You’re having problems with your voice…
You want to learn humor…
You want to learn storytelling…
If You’re A Beginner Resonator Will…
Build a rock-solid pickup foundation for you to grow from.
Accelerate your learning curve into WARP DRIVE because more sets will be hooking and engaging with you.
Hone your focus in on what MATTERS! (forget about the crazy routines and advanced jargon for now, let’s ingrain the powerful fundamentals that 80% of your results will come from).
If You’re Intermediate Resonator Will…
Be a MASTERCLASS in SUB COMMUNICATION, teaching you how to pair your pickup knowledge with potent underlying delivery dynamics.
Tighten up your sloppy execution and shine a light on the last few sticking points that are holding you back from becoming ADVANCED.
Give you a fighting chance on your “off nights”. By implementing Resonator principles your baseline attractiveness will rise and ensure you always have a chance to turn a crap night into glory IF YOU HANG IN THERE!
If You’re Advanced Resonator Will…
Give you the EDGE you need to outshine every other guy with good game at the bar. Own the space with your projection and volume and you will own every girl in it.
Put the finishing touches on your near flawless game, giving you the chops to step up to the hottest of the hot and instantly smash through their bitch shields and hot girl blasé.
Open doors to new levels of attraction you may have never experienced. Insta-makeouts, bathroom pulls and threesomes are now well within your new reality!
Inside Resonator YOU WILL:
Train your vocal variance and inflection with positive dominance and breaking rapport tonality so you can hook and spike emotions right off the open.
Give you the tools to dominate rival men in your environment by simply talking over them and being funnier. Never get “AMOGed” or out-gamed again.
Allow you to stand out in especially loud environments. The louder and the more hectic the club the BETTER! No other guy can rise above the environment, so you SHINE even brighter.
Spark attraction when you aren’t even talking to her! You can learn to project so loudly that nearby sets will notice you before you even open.
Keep your vocal cords healthy by implementing proper projection technique – thus keeping you at the top of your game for the long haul.
Ensure you ignite MASSIVE attraction with the certainty and conviction of your tone and character.
Help you gain control of your sub communication, so your outward projection to the women of the world is confident, engaging and seductively masculine.
Ensure you will never be IGNORED again! Avoid the harsh blowouts and state crashes that tank your entire night by commanding her ATTENTION with Resonator technique.
Train your voice to cut through the loud music at nightclubs and enchant the girl you have your eye on all the way back to the bedroom.
Let’s start hooking those sets, getting attraction, and ACTUALLY GETTING LAID TONIGHT!
Show her your BEST self and unlock your true potential with the opposite sex. Make your voice the ideal expression of who you want to be, and control the way others perceive you when you speak.
Resonator shows you how to be grounded and relaxed, even under pressure. You’ll breathe and speak with your whole body. You’ll discover how it feels to be fully engaged and value-giving as a speaker. And you’ll develop increased awareness that encourages continual development.
The raw ingredients are there – let Resonator turn them into gold TODAY.
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