In this special event, Hayley Quinn and the living legend that is Ross Jeffries, will be speaking about The Game. Past, Present and Future. In this fascinating talk, Ross and Hayley will be looking at the seduction industry as a whole and where it is going. They are probably the two most experienced people in the world to talk on this subject.

This event does come with a strong warning. It is not for those who are easily offended and it very likely going to be controversial.


How do I explain Ross Jeffries to someone who hasn’t heard of him? Well he is considered the father of the Pick UP Artist (PUA) seduction community and he was one of the main subjects in the worldwide best seller “The Game” by Neil Strauss.

Ross Jeffries is the creator of Speed Seduction. It is a set of tools and techniques that helps guys to become more successful with women. Ross is a controversial character and has been interviewed on national television in America, including by Dr Phil.  To add to that he has been on Louis Theroux’s “Weird Weekends” and he had a charactered based on him in the film “Magnolia”. Ross’s character was played by some up and coming actor called Tom Cruise (I am not even joking about this).

Ross Jeffries on Dr Phil




Ross Jeffries with Louis Theroux


Hayley Quinn

Speaking with Ross Jeffries is Interesting Talks regular, and good friend of Ross’s, Hayley Quinn.

Hayley Quinn is one of the world’s Top dating coaches, she has been featured as an expert across international media including The Independent, Cosmopolitan and FHM, and hosts dating events across the world. She is the feature writer for “Lovestruck” and has just been named as the number 1 lifestyle coach in London.

Hayley speaking at one her recent Interesting Talks.


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Ross Jeffries and Hayley Quinn on “The Game. Past, Present and Future” Contents: Video


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