Want to Become a Highly Paid Expert FAST?
Do NOT Write a Book… Do THIS Instead.
This 1 Simple Technique Could Catapult You to Six Figures and Beyond by Christmas 2015
My Proven Step By Step System To Create A Meaningful Six Figure (or 7 figure Business), By Simply Using Video
You’re not only going to learn how to generate FREE TRAFFIC with high-quality training videos, you’re also going to learn how to CONVERT that traffic into paying customers and clients using powerful sales videos.
You see, there are actually TWO different formulas that you’ll be learning. Each formula is unique. One drives traffic, the other converts it.
Here’s Exactly What You’ll Get Inside
The Six Figure Video Impact Program
MODULE ONE: How To Identify Your Ideal Client Avatar & Marketing Messaging Clarifier
In this module you’ll learn:
-My simple yet extremely powerful “Six Figure Survey Formula” and the exact questions to ask your prospects. Without this you’re guessing, and what I like to call “marketing in the dark”. You can use this everywhere in your videos, and even in your copywriting so that your ideal clients literally feel like you’re “reading their mind”. (Hint- This is one of the biggest KEY’S to my success)
–How to create an ideal client avatar profile, that has your ideal client “ready to buy credit card in hand.” You’ll quickly weed out the nightmare clients, and start attracting 10x more of your ideal clients, who you love to work with.
–How to create messaging with confidence, that actually has people “get what you do”, and that inspires more sales. This is literally the difference between amateur messaging, and “Fortune 500” company style positioning, and messaging.
–Exactly how to create and leverage “Your Super Hero Story” that you already have inside of you, in a way that does the selling for you. You’ll learn how to create instant connection, so that you can Influence faster then ever before.
-The million dollar mindset you need to have to get over any fears of making great videos. This ONE shift will help you to have your video breakthrough, and to help you to stop procrastinating, so that you can finally create real momentum in your business.
MODULE TWO: Six Figure Video Framework Formula-
“How To Have Your Prospects Literally Pre-Qualify Themselves”
In this module you’ll learn:
My STEP-BY-STEP formula for designing and creating a captivating video that closes more sales and brings in new clients.
-You’ll learn my famous Six Figure video squeeze page script which will show you exactly how to create a website video that grows your email list, and converts up to 50%+.
-How to apply the Formula so that you effectively communicate the value of your offer, and so that you’re seen as an INSTANT EXPERT. (You’ll NEVER sound salesy, inauthentic, or pushy again.)
-My EXACT scripts and advanced video copywriting secrets to know exactly what to say in all your videos. You’ll learn how to create short, simple videos that build rapid rapport, trust and desire. (this makes all of your marketing so much easier moving forward, and much more effective)
–How to fill your programs QUICKLY with videos, and have your prospects literally pre-qualify themselves. No more having to “think about it.” Your ideal clients will be ready to invest with you in your programs, today.
Module 3: High Quality Video Production- “Confidently Make Videos That Showcase Your Best Self And That Convert (even if on a budget)”
A lot of people say Maria I don’t even know how or where to start with video production. How do you know what to say, how do you script your video, film it and publish it, so that you get in front of your ideal clients? I’m going to show you how to do all of this, and how to do it in a way that makes you look good, and that makes you sound like a professional, and a Visionary Leader.
In this module you’ll learn:
How to create an apple style high quality looking video, even if you only have an iPhone.
–My specific step by step “How To Get Your Studio Set Up Technical Guide & Cheat Sheet”. You’ll know exactly how to set up a professional looking video studio in your home, even on a budget. Never fear, you’ll be in the know about the latest camera’s, best lighting, and microphone recommendations, to make you look and sound like a pro. (even if you’re not technical, and even if you’ve never made a video before)
–Best editing software tips that save you time, so that you can get your videos up faster. The very best royalty free music resources for less then $20 that create connection, and an emotional response. (remember all sales are based on emotion, and justified with logic)
My simple “teleprompter short cut secrets” that literally can cut your production time in half.
Your videos will look like you’re being filmed by a professional videographer. (No more winging it, so that you’ll know exactly what to say, and you’ll look and sound confident as you do it)
And more!
MODULE 4: Video List Building Strategy & Secrets-
“The Secrets To Grow Your List Without Expensive Advertising”
Youtube is the 3rd largest website and #2 top search engine in the world…Imagine what you can do with all that new free traffic.
In this module you’ll learn:
How to build a highly qualified list, that wants to invest with you.
–My specific copy and paste “ SEO YOUR VIDEO” Formula so that you can get your video onto the front page of the search engines in as FAST as 12 HOURS, for your targeted keywords. (this alone is worth the entire investment into the program, when you think of all the money you’ll be saving on expensive advertising)
–How to target the best keyword’s for your niche, so that you can get more views to your videos, and stand out amongst the millions of competing websites. (Case Studies of clients with videos on Page One of Google)
–Setting up your youtube channel for massive success, and optimum conversion. You’ll learn how to spread your video all over the top social media sharing sites with just a few clicks of a button. (most people completely miss this step and it keeps them from really growing their video empire faster)
–3 Secrets to creating powerful calls to actions in your videos, that builds your list, and has your prospects want to go to your website. (this helps many clients double or triple their optins)
And more!
BONUS MODULE 5: “Six Figure Video Sales Page Videos That Sell, Without Having To Sound “Salesy” (value $1,000)
In this module you’ll learn:
How to craft and create a video sales video that fill up your programs faster, and that makes your ideal clients want to sign up with you on the spot. (saving you time on not having to sell on strategy sessions all day long anymore)
My step-by-step formula, and video sales page fill in the blank template to convert 100% of exactly the RIGHT CLIENTS into your programs. You’ll get actual swipe file to model from our very best sales pages, that have generated hundreds of thousands of dollars in sales. (You’ll be able to download the template’s and swipe copy, and this is worth the entire investment into the program, just to have access to this)
The best and easiest software to use (perfect for beginners) so that you can have your video sales page up and running in as fast as 1 hour, and start making money. (you won’t have to spend a ton of money on programmers, or try to figure out complicated html coding)
How to create “outcome based languaging” and copy that sells, and inspires your clients to take action now. (this helps many people double or triple their sales conversion)
How to overcome objections quickly, and the best ways to create a sense of urgency for your ideal client to want to buy now.
And More!
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