Make Her Chase You answers questions that have eluded men forever.
What really attracts women?
How do you ask for her phone number without getting rejected?
Which first dates really work, and which are a one way ticket to rejection?
What exactly is the friend zone, and how can you get out of it?
Tynan, also known as Herbal, is one of the most well known pickup artists in the world, made famous by the New York Times Bestseller, The Game. Taught by the greatest pickup artists in the world, including Mystery from The Pick Up Artist on VH1, Tynan has developed his own style which focuses on authenticity, building relationships, and integrating pickup with normal life.
After a year of selling Make Her Chase You, I decided to take another look at the book and see if it could be improved further.
I solicited the advice of all my customers, and the replies poured in.
There were a few suggestions that were outside my realm of expertise, but all of them were considered and almost all of them directly affected the new ver-sion of the book.
Thanks to the time that these men spent offering their feedback, I now believe that this is, bar none, the most complete and effective guide to learning how to meet, attract, and keep women.
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