Let Neale Show You How to Integrate the Conversations with God

Teachings into Every Area of Your Life

Including Your Health, Career, Relationships, Income, Self-Confidence…and Your Connection to God

I will guide you and walk you through the 4-step formula I’ve used in my own life to overcome those same obstacles…

Once you learn how to let go of your expectations and attachments, you will at last experience what it is like to truly be free.

Join me and discover just how fulfilling your life can be.

Your expectations and the “need” you attach to your desires are actually what is blocking the things you want from coming into your life.

Be Personally Guided by Spiritual Messenger Neale Donald Walsch and Begin to Live a Life of Connection and Joy

Here’s What You’ll Learn

In Neale Donald Walsch’s Immersive 12-Week Masterclass Program: Each “Key Life Area” Module will span two weeks of the program

Key Life Area #1: Wealth Mastery

In the first “Key Life Area” Module, you will discover how to…

  • Understand what money, wealth and abundance really are so you are no longer fooled by what they seem to be

  • Feel less stress around the acquisition of wealth of all kinds in your life

  • Always have the money you need whenever you truly need it

  • Fully understand the secret of how and why financial sufficiency can come to anyone (including you), and how to implement that secret

Key Life Area #2: Relationship Mastery

In the second “Key Life Area” Module, you will discover how to…

  • Understand the true nature, meaning and purpose of all of your relationships

  • Live in a higher state of harmony, peace and unity with your beloved other in your relationship

  • Recreate the feelings you had for each other early in the relationship and sustain those feelings indefinitely

  • Connect more deeply and have better relationships with all the other important people in your life—your parents, your children, your friends, your colleagues, and your boss

Key Life Area #3: Health Mastery

In the third “Key Life Area” Module, you will discover how to…

  • Experience noticeable (and occasionally even miraculous) improvements in your overall health and wellbeing

  • Let go of the negative thoughts you may be holding around your health

  • Keep “pain” from turning into “suffering,” and be able to recognize the difference between the two so you can stop suffering in its tracks if you begin to experience it

  • Trust your own body to guide you to the best things for your health

Key Life Area #4:Career & Life Purpose Mastery

In the fourth “Key Life Area” Module, you will discover how to…

  • Create “right livelihood” by understanding the true purpose of your career in your life

  • Eliminate “going to work” forever, and replace it with “going to joy”

  • Experience less frustration, anxiety and pressure around issues connected to your job (or your search for the perfect occupation)

  • Be someone who has chosen to make “a life,” rather than “a living,” by using whatever you now do to generate income as a means of expressing your True Nature as an Individuation of Divinity

Key Life Area #5: Spiritual Mastery

In the fifth “Key Life Area” Module, you will discover how to…

  • Use the relationship between you and God in more powerful ways than you ever have before

  • Strengthen the “signal” between you and God so you can get clearer and quicker guidance whenever you need it

  • Understand in fullness the true purpose of life, the specific reason you are here, and how to make every moment feel spiritual, no matter what you are doing

  • Experience the deeper connections between yourself and others, as well as between yourself and the rest of the Universe

Key Life Area #6: Self-Confidence Mastery

In the sixth “Key Life Area” Module, you will discover how to…

  • Gain quick confidence by realizing that everything is actually perfect and nothing can “go wrong”

  • Build even more confidence by releasing the need for specific outcomes of any particular endeavor and re-aligning your purpose for the endeavor itself.

  • Embrace and inhabit the real reason for thinking, saying, being or doing anything, using deep self-awareness to render self-confidence utterly unnecessary

  • Recognize the difference between confidence in the “self” and confidence in the “Self” (with a capital S), and notice that when you have confidence in the ability of your Higher, True Self guide you, you’ll no longer be concerned with the smaller self you have thought yourself to be ever again.

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Living Your Life from The Source – Neale Donald Walsch Contents: Videos, Audios, Pdfs



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