How To Go From
Small Potatoes to Business Famous (in 2 Months)
Welcome to the memorial service…
Yup, you read that right. Because before you can move forward, you gotta say goodbye.
So right here and now, let’s make it official. Together let’s say goodbye forever to the OLD you who:
- Became really excited about a big opportunity, dreaming up your plan of attack – then didn’t follow through because it was “out of your league”
- Has been struggling to grow your email list for years but are still stuck at only a few hundred subscribers
- Cringed when you saw people with way less experience (or let’s face it, talent) than you being featured in the media or landing the big opportunities you’ve always dreamed of
- Tried out yet another “strategy” promising an inbox full of leads – then felt like a total fool when the result was NADA
- Wanted to put yourself out there more but held back because you were afraid you’re not attractive/charming/charismatic/young/old enough to do so
- Daydreamed about being in the public eye sharing your talents with the world – but felt embarrassed by this “out of reach” fantasy
- Stayed up all night obsessing over the websites and emails of your competitors, trying to figure out what their secret is
- KNEW that you should be commanding higher rates but weren’t sure if you had enough incoming business to do so
- Was caught in the feast-or-famine cycle of chasing after work
- Played the “if-only” game WAY too often
Old, dull, critical, stressed-out, small-time self? SEE YA!
Because it’s time to put all that stuff in the PAST where it belongs – and instead jump ahead to the level you KNOW you are really meant to be at.
Why climb a ladder when you can jump over a frog?
I’ve never been much for ladder-climbing. That long, painful process of going slooowwwwwly rung by rung by rung, occasionally slipping down but never making a large leap forward.
In fact, I probably should not be admitting this publicly but the truth is this – I never did small speaking gigs. The whole “ten people gathered in the bank’s back room” thing. Nope. Skipped right over it! I went straight for the big fish. The Social Communications Summit, South by Southwest Interactive, BlogHer, etc.
This is what is called leapfrogging – it has been a huge factor in my success and will be in yours as well. Leapfrogging is the act of jumping to right where you want to be and skipping over all the useless junk most people think they “have” to do to get there.
Keep reading because what’s coming next is very important to where you are in YOUR business right now
Here’s a paradox: this stuff can make you rich quick, yet it’s about as far as you can possibly get from “get rich quick”.
Why is that? Creating Fame is all about creating a LEGACY in your field. I only work with smart entrepreneurs that are interested in building a long-term, trusted reputation.
But here’s where you kinda get to have your cake and eat it too: even though we’re thinking long-term the results happen FAST. Like head spinningly-fast. You can make one well-targeted move and suddenly have 500 interested prospects. Did you see above where I built a list of over 50,000 highly-targeted, highly-engaged prospects in a few years? Some people never achieve that over the life of their business.
But this is not about VOLUME, it’s about RELATIONSHIPS. Every person on that list feels like they have a relationship with me.
I really cannot emphasize this next point enough. Read the following closely, because it is important:
What I teach brings in ONLY people who actively seek you out – then like you so much they decide they want to stick around and form a long-term, profitable relationship with you.
There is ZERO ADVERTISING INVOLVED. This flips the traditional marketing relationship on its head.
People don’t like being advertised to. People like being spoken to – you know, like people! Radical concept, right?
WHY does this matter? Because when you create your fame with this model, it takes out the struggle. It takes out the cheesy, flashy, “ugh, do I really have to do this in order to succeed?”
You’re only talking to people who want to hear from you. You’re only selling them what they want to buy. You take yourself out of the feast-or-famine cycle of constantly hunting for work. I really cannot describe the impact this model will make on your business. It finally feels like you’re floating with the current instead of fighting to swim upstream.
What Makes Creating Fame Different From Everything Else Out There?
Creating Fame is NOT One-Size-Fits-All
Video can be a great tool for creating fame – but what if you’re terrible on camera? Then video will absolutely backfire in positioning you as a poised, confident expert. But you might be excellent in audio recordings, or writing white papers.
The point is we all have our strengths and my philosophy is to shine through your strengths rather than trying to fit yourself in some cookie cutter plan that isn’t right for you at all. I’ve seen other programs that say you must do video, you must do podcasting, you must do this and that. Sorry – but that is a short path for disaster.
I’m going to show you how to discover which medium is a natural, easy fit for YOU then give you the tools to master that medium.
Creating Fame is NOT About Technology
One of my greatest strengths is making complex technical concepts easy to digest, easy to understand and (believe it or not) fun!
No matter how much of a technophobe you are I promise that this program will not be over your head.
You do not need to be an internet genius to create your fame. This program is accessible to anyone who wants to learn.
Creating Fame is NOT About Big Numbers
Some people are obsessed with their list size and traffic count. Guess what? That is one of THE biggest fallacies out there.
I would tell you that I have a LOT of twitter followers, but many of the “big players” out there consider my 25,000 followers pathetic! But wanna know what I know that they don’t? Basically it’s the difference between a room of 25,000 attentive listeners hanging on to your every word . . . or speaking to a room of 200,000 that are milling around, having side conversations, writing emails while you try desperately to shout over the din – HEY! LISTEN TO ME! LISTEN TO ME!
Hmmm which sounds like a better, and more profitable crowd to you? I know which one has gotten results for me.
Creating Fame is NOT Just About Getting Famous!
OK this one might surprise you! Yes we all want to be known in our field. But this is about MORE than just being famous. Because the truth is fame and money are not always as closely tied as you might think. This is a system for putting you at the top in a way that picks up tons of targeted clients and customers. Really the focus is on providing you with a steady flow of highly targeted leads. Being well known in your field is just the method we’re taking for getting there.
So What Exactly Is Creating Fame and What’s In It for You?
Creating Fame is made up of an inspired group of passionate entrepreneurs who have one thing on their mind – raising quickly to the top of their field! You’ll have access to me, as well as the ability to tap into the hive mind for resources, advice and accountability.
Within just two months, I’m going to walk you through the proven system for leveraging the web to create a publicity, traffic, and a lead-generating machine.
If your current online hub (aka your website) is a disaster do not panic. I am not letting go of you until we turn your web presence into a lean, mean, fame-makin’ machine! And that is going to be MUCH easier than you think.
Creating Fame is made up of four core video modules, with additional bonus materials to help you fully understand the concepts.
The four modules are:
Foundation The big-picture shifts that will make your success inevitable
Presence How to scale your profitable persona
Content Get the attention that will bring in a flood of new fans
Outreach Build a thriving, loyal fan community that will spread the word about everything you do
ut exactly HOW is Creating Fame going to make you well-known? Not just theory, but actually doing the work of becoming famous?
You’re not learning this stuff so that you can feel smarter, you’re learning it to see a real change in your business! That’s why we follow every session of Creating Fame with Fame Camp.
Fame Camp is the down n’ dirty step-by-step work of implementing all the major themes you learned in Creating Fame. Fame Camp also lasts four weeks, and happens right after Creating Fame. In Creating Fame you learn, and in Fame Camp you put that learning to work.
Each Monday, you’ll receive an in-depth downloadable guide on that week’s topic, followed by daily email assignments. The pace is fast yet doable for a small business owner. There’s just one rule for Fame Camp: high-leverage activities only!
The four areas we cover in Fame Camp are:
- Speaking
- Getting Interviewed
- Guest Posting
- Video
- Q&A Coaching Sessions with Laura Roeder
- 4 Weeks of Fame Camp Training Sessions
- Core modules of Creating Fame
- LKR-curated Bonus Content
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