EVOLVE: The Complete Journey is a life-transforming video series that will guide you step-by-step through creating the habit of expanding your awareness to embody the infinite potential that lives within you. Seriously, it’s really good.

EVOLVE: The Complete Journey is designed to be experienced multiple times to expand and deepen your awareness, forever.

With this series, you will:

  • Take your mind to the gym… It’s like P90x for your brain.

  • Shed old limiting beliefs so you can access more of the real you.

  • Develop an inner guidance that is stronger than your old patterns.

  • Discover an unlimited number of assets that you already have.

  • Actually change every aspect of your life.

Course Description


Day 1 | A New Level of YOU is Emerging

Day 2 | Being Rather than Doing

Day 3 | YOU Have All Your Own Answers

Day 4 | Let Go of “Results” for Real Transformation

Day 5 | Just Take the Next Step

Day 6 | Stepping into Who You Really Are

Day 7 | What Does the World Want?

Day 8 | Team Us!

Day 9 | Moving from Resistance into Compassion

Day 10 | Beliefs

Day 11 | Growing Pains

Day 12 | Clearing Remaining Blocks

Day 13 | Is Your Heart Open or Closed?

Day 14 | Let’s Talk About Assets

Day 15 | Celebrate that You’re in the Work

Day 16 | Discovering Skills Through Others’ Feedback

Day 17 | Moving Toward What Feels Light

Day 18 | Are You Riding Your Bike with the Brakes On?

Day 19 | Alignment for Your Optimal Life

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Kyle Cease – EVOLVE – The Complete Journey Contents: Videos



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