This is not gonna be your mama’s sales page. Even though I am a mama of four (#madrespectmoms), I’m a straight shooter
and refuse to manipulate you with slushy sales tactics or bore you with stories you don’t give a rat’s ass about.
I will also be brutally honest about what it really takes to succeed, and whether or not you have it.
There’s really only two reasons you’re here:
You want to become a digital marketer and make GOOD money either building a Digital Marketing business or scaling your course and coaching business
(In 2016 I did $200,000 in client work, and an additional $160,000 in courses and online coaching. In 2017, I did $1.3 million.)
You have a business or business idea that is SORELY in need of BAD ASS digital marketing
(and you’re fed up with crappy coaches who simply regurgitate gurus)
If you don’t fit into either of those two categories, this course isn’t for you.
Now that that’s outta the way…
The Job of THIS Sales Page is To Help You Overcome the Objections in Your Head About Whether or Not To Take My Offer.
Because really, there are only five reasons you won’t take me up on what I’m offering
by the end of this direct-response rant.
No Need – You don’t really need to become a Digital Marketer because a) you have a great job already, or b) you would rather pay someone to do your business’s digital marketing than learn it yourself. But guess what, many of you might *think* you don’t need it, when you most certainly do.
No Hurry – Procrastination Station is your country of residence and you prefer dreaming about doing things than actually doing them. Since I am an action taker of EPIC proportions, I get really annoyed by procrastinators and would rather not work with them. To that end, I will purposely create urgency to weed out those who like to sit on the sidelines.
No Desire – You landed here by accident (or because my targeting sucks) and therefore, you really could care less about Digital Marketing and you’re annoyed at my sarcastic obnoxious language. You might even be writing an email to me in your head right now about what an arrogant pain in the ass I am.
No Trust – Ahhh the biggie. You don’t really know who I am or if I can deliver on my promises. This is legit. I wouldn’t trust me without knowing me either. So we’ll get a little intimate here in a few.
No Money – Ahhh the second biggie. You’re broke as joke. By the way, most people aren’t as broke as they say. What they mean is that the price I’m asking is not equal (in your head) to the value I provide. After I show you that a Digital Marketing career OR bad-ass Digital Marketing skills in your business are the difference between in debt, or making multiple six figures a year, the price won’t seem so bad.
I know this because I am one.
Digital Marketers are defined by people who can use the Internet to find new leads and get customers…aka money. The VERY skill set of a Digital Marketer is about finding and making money through online prospecting and sales.
Digital Marketers are Money Finders and Money Makers.
If my funnels blow up tomorrow, if my brand crashes into the ocean, if my client thinks I’m a dink…it’s okay. Because I know how to find and make more brands, clients, and funnels. The skills in my tool belt are the money finding and making skills that can be leveraged on the most powerful tool on Planet Earth…the Internet.
I know, rocket science.
If you’re not on the Internet, you’re barely a business. Seriously.
The Internet crushes TV, newspapers, mail, every other mode of advertising out there.
That means if you have a business, you better learn Digital Marketing FAST, or find someone who does. And if you want to be a Digital Marketer,
the news is very good. The GOOD ones will ALWAYS be busy because every business in the world…needs YOU.
You Need to Understand Digital Marketing.
That’s the Bottom Line.
Julie Stoian – The Digital Gangsta: Videos, PDF´s
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