Trying and Trying and Trying and
Still Nowhere in Google?
Your Website Never, Ever Will Rank. Never.
Because You Are in Penalty, (or You Will Be…)
…and Don’t Even Know it
As I said – this applies to about 95% of you reading this letter. Not everyone. But 95% of you…
And Do You Know What? Almost 100% of People
Who Have Their Websites in Penalty…
…Don’t Even Know It!
Get Out Of Penalty, And Your Site Will Begin To Fly! ?
All The Promotion, All The Backlinks, All The Content…
All of That Will Begin to Work!
Your Work is Not Wasted! Reclaim It!
the even better news however is…
… that it is not hard to get out of penalty, generally.
remove whatever is causing the penalty and…
Boom! Your rankings will recover, often immediately!
You just need to give Google what they are looking for, when you know what that is, it is actually pretty easy to give it to them!
But what are some of the myths and misconceptions people have? Let’s take a look…
“But John, I’m not in penalty!”
Hmmm. You know, that’s what everyone says…
Are you sure? I mean, do you really know?
I don’t know your website, but let me tell you what I do know…
…’cos we have a group of over 2,000 customers in our SEO community. We’ve got from newbies to highly professional agencies.
We deal with our customers, and their problems, day after day. And do you know what (and I’m talking about professional agencies too)?
…almost every single one of them that comes to us is IN PENALTY!
They don’t believe it at first.
“I’m not in penalty” they say…
…until we show them they ARE.
“Aha,” they say, “thanks…” they say!!!
“But John, I Don’t Have a Website Yet! How Can I Be in Penalty???”
OK, ok, you got me there!
But are you planning to build a site and drive traffic to it?
“Then This Information Is As Relevant To You As It Is To The Guy Who Already Has A Site In Penalty!”
Don’t believe me?
Let Me Give You Just One Example To Prove What I Am Saying…
One of our customers, an SEO professional came to us – at first he was adamant he was not in penalty.
Did you know that duplicate content penalties also apply WITHIN your site?
Watch this!
Fully 95% of SEO’d Websites
Are in Penalty…
…Whether You Are An SEO Professional
Or A Newbie, Alike!
“OK, John so How Can YOU help ME get my Website Out of Penalty?”
…you might be saying.
Well I hope that for a start, this report has been of value in giving you an introduction to the subject.
But there is much more to tell.
How YOU Too Can Achieve
Penalty-Free SEO Rankings!
Many of you know my partner Chris. He is, in fact, an SEO genius. He has a brain that is so focused, so keen, and so targeted he almost has a sixth sense about Google.
Chris has put together the most comprehensive, complete guide to escaping the frustrating business-killing, never ending fury of trying to promote a website that is NEVER, ever going to rank until you get out of penalty.
We would love to have you join our community of SEO professionals, marketers and newbies alike.
…It is a safe place to be.
What is the full breakdown of what is covered in the SEO Recovery Course?” Answer:
Module 1:
The Google Crack Down – Background and Introduction
Module 2:
Google Penalty & Negative SEO Identification – How to Find to if your site is in penalty or under a negative SEO attack.
Module 3:
Eradicating a Google Panda Penalty – How to do it!
Module 4:
Eradicating a Google Penguin or EMD Penalty
Module 5:
Dealing With a Google Manual Penalty
Module 6:
Defeating a Negative SEO Attack –
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