Have you ever gone into a deal or a

negotiation knowing success was INEVITABLE?

A situation you would (no doubt) DOMINATE?

With Mental Dominance, you have at your command…

A winning, targeted persuasion formula for ANY situation you may ever need!

 Each backed by all the latest research, insightful stories and empirical evidence inside Power Influence.

Now when I was at the Miami Retreat, I invited guys in attendance to get a pre-release version of the Mental Dominance course.

Imagine, hundreds of guys in a packed Miami ballroom.

Then at one point, mysteriously almost a third of them gets out of their chairs…

…. storm to the back of the room…

…. pull out their credit cards…

… and pre-order a program worth at least $6000.

Incredibly they did this WITHOUT being pitched.

Without being “sold”.

Do you think that was a mere accident?

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