Download G7FX Fundamentals
Download G7FX Fundamentals

G7FX Fundamentals 2022

Combine the already powerful Order Flow Edge I teach in the Pro Course & Foundation Course with a truly WORLD CLASS understanding of Macro Trading.

The G7FX Fundamentals Course will walk you  through the entire process of creating YOUR OWN exclusive Custom Built Fundamental Analysis Data Dashboard.

You will be taught step by step how to build it from scratch and even better – how to interpret it like a truly Elite Trader. This personalised Dashboard will be at the centre of all your trading analysis.

Traders, Neerav here…

Since leaving the Institutional space I have noticed just how poor the understanding of how Fundamentals can help deliver a highly profitable trading edge is.

Imagine you could combine the already powerful Order Flow Edge I teach in the Pro & Foundation Courses with a truly WORLD CLASS understanding of Macro Trading.

Just imagine how deadly that combination would be….

Let’s be brutally honest for a moment; Retail Traders see a data calendar and focus on all the things that don’t matter or if they do they have an incredibly poor understanding of it.

They simply don’t know what to look at, how to interpret it, and end up making a complete mess of it. The result is huge losses, random decision making, and even worse, missed opportunities

At the other end of the spectrum, there’s the well known News Outlets and “expert” Economists who lack any understanding of what it means to develop edge as a professional trader. They focus on getting “clicks” and selling stories!

I’ve created the G7FX Fundamentals Course to bypass all that nonsense and help you develop the perfect hybrid between being an Institutional Trader and a truly Elite Market Fundamentalist.

This is the exact balance that the top Global Macro Traders in the world have perfected


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G7FX Fundamentals 2022 Contents: Videos