The Attraction – Dating Mentor
Make women feel a spark of attraction and keep it alive
The reason why you are not able to get yourself an attractive woman is because you are not making her feel a spark of attraction towards you
You only create friendly and neutral types of connections with her
However, building a friendly connections with a woman only leads to getting into the “friend zone” and getting rejected
it does not make her feel desire to want to kiss and have sex with you and want to be in a relationship with you
To attract a beautiful woman, you must create a spark of attraction inside of her
When you can do that, she feels deeply motivated to kiss, have sex, and be in a relationship with you
It feels natural for her because she is feeling deep certain emotions toward you
Unfortunately, most men are not able to do that
They don’t know how to attract women, have conversations with them, connect with them, use humor to make them laugh, flirt with them, approach them, get their phone numbers, and move toward kissing and sex
They are unaware of what turns women on and off
Even though some men can attract beautiful women, they don’t know how to keep a woman’s attraction and love alive in a relationship
They fear that if they do get into a relationship, they will not be able to keep her interest level high for very long
As a result, they become insecure and fearful of getting into a relationship with a girl
Many men even end up getting depression and anxiety disorders
But now, you don’t have to worry about all those things
In this guide, you will learn how to attract a beautiful woman, make her feel deep attraction and love, and keep it alive for life
Not just superficial or a little attraction, but a deep level of attraction that she fully opens up to, feels an irresistible sexual attraction for you, is very turned on by you, wants to kiss and have sex with you, and wants to be with you for life
The Attraction – Dating Mentor Contents: Pdfs
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