Chris X – Ai Commissions Free Download

- A.I PAYS ME $700+ comms. PER PROMO
- JUNE 2023 10x $300-1k VIDEO case studies
- CUSTOM Chat-GPT! + NEW AI model!
- Commissionate the AI Goldrush of 2023
- We Make Commissions – in June `23
- $300k RESELL RIGHTS – all included!
FINALLY. A Way To Make Affiliate Commissions That Isn’t From 2007 🤑 (ALL THIS PROOF IS FROM THE LAST 45 DAYS)
Look. You’re here because you want something *NEW*. Right? I get it . And.. that’s why you’ve probably given up on affiliate marketing as an option. And the reason why? Because everyone’s teaching the same stuff from the make-money stone-age. But:
Plot-Twist: there IS a way to make huge commissions as an affiliate, right now in June 2023. You simply need to abandon everything you’ve been taught…
Use A.I To Unlock 50x FREE Videos Per Month.. Then Spin The Freebie Into 1k-50k VIEWS With YouTube Shorts!?? 🎥
Did you know there’s a service that can create free videos for you, including YouTube shorts? It lets you make FIFTY free videos per month. The only catch is that you need to be a programmer to use it.
That is, of course, unless you teach Chat-GPT how to make these videos – while also feeding it with pre-made videos, media and daily screencasts of top affiliate programs. Then all you need to do is copy from Chat-GPT into this FREE CLOUD-BASED VIDEO GENERATOR. Oh.. and this works best when you use it with YouTube shorts to target BUYER keywords on SPECIFIC affiliate networks you’ve never used before… keep scrolling to see the results!
Promote Strange 🥴 Affiliate Programs That Don’t Show Up Anywhere (We Get $10/Click)
The affiliate program you choose is VITAL in deciding the commissions you make. That’s never been truer in 2023, as the gap between the haves & have-nots accelerates., but here’s the thing…
Without a guide? You’ll never find the gold! Luckily for you, I know where ALL the best affiliate programs are, and I’ll walk you right to them then give you the AI, that I use to pillage them for commissions like this 👉👉👉
🔫 Outgun Super Affiliates… With $25k Bonuses ..On TAP 👌
As you’re about to see, when you combine hot affiliate programs, with low competition.. then use Chat-GPT with some slick automation.. traffic isn’t the issue. It’s like doing the usual affiliate methods, but 100x easier and 500x more profitable! But here’s the icing on the cake..My deal-closing bonus packages.
See, I’m known for my excessive software expenditure, building over 100 tools & dropping a cool $3 mill on software devs. That matters because I’m letting you package up and offer my bonuses with your affiliate promos (using Chat-GPT to make the whole thing of course). Thus, you out-convert every other affiliate (while doing 1/100 the work)..
Launch-Jack 💨 This Summer (But.. In A Whole NEW Way!)
You’ll know there’s a secret cabal of affiliates consistently ranking and promoting product launches that happen on sites like Warrior every day…
You’ll also know these digital product launches PAY $100+ million per year.
The problem up until now was, you don’t have the tech-skills, domain authority, black-hat chops and persistence to compete. But what if I gave you placed all their entire campaigns on a silver platter – then got a custom Chat-GPT AI model to serve it to you
This is just one of TWO software tools you’re about to get with AI Commissions by the way.. welcome to the revolution..
*NEW* Custom Chat-GPT Gets Explosive Results 💥For Average Affiliates …x100 💪
OK, let me break down what I did: *1* — I took over $10 million of affiliate campaigns (mine + others running paid media).. *2* I trained a custom Chat-GPT model up on these campaigns (of various types and traffic types – email, affiliate, video, website).. and *3* — I’m now giving YOU the model (simply paste some text in, choose your campaign and watch it go to work…)
🪙 Golden Eggs AND The Golden Goose 🪙 (2x Apps!)
See, the custom Chat-GPT model I built really does make affiliate campaigns a DODDLE. So much so, I’m giving you two software tools…
Firstly, you get the core software which lets you build SIX types of affiliate campaign in a few seconds (& using my CUSTOM Chat-GPT model trained on $10 million of campaigns!)
But if you’re like many, you want something to EASE YOU SOFTLY AND GENTLY INTO LUXURY and if so… Well that’s where The GOLDEN EGGS COME IN!. See, it really is *THAT* easy that every day I will just hand you pre-made campaigns for all the new product launches & affiliate programs for the next week. It only takes a few minutes to do, but the AI makes it effortless…
*EXTRA BONUS* Get 100% Commissions Reselling & White-Labelling Unreleased AI App!
When you’re as deep in the AI rabbit-hole as me.. you forget things. Like the time I forgot that I made an entire copywriting software tool – with VSL video & sales page.. all using Chat-GPT. That was about two months ago. I just saw it today when preparing case studies for this.. and so I’m including it here. You can of course use this as another give-away bonus (like all the other tools here)… but since it comes with its own sales page, you can sell this too 😉
And 101x Other Use Case For These Apps In June 2023! See..
Truth is, I’m getting more and more excited about building tools and training.. and less interested in the marketing. So there’s a million things I missed here. For example, the AI Commissions app (one of 2x tools you get) is THE ultimate marketing tool (it basically creates entire marketing campaigns from scratch, not just affiliate promos). In other words, while this entire pitch is focused on affiliate marketing , the truth is even if your thing is ecom, info products, webinars, cold traffic, warm traffic, whatever.. you’ll be gaining a huge advantage when you get this!
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