In an effort to spread the word on the way of the Bragg Healthy Lifestyle, Patricia Bragg, called the First Lady of Natural Living, is now offering all 10 of bestselling health books, with titles like The Miracle of Fasting, Bragg Health Lifestyle and Healthy Heart. Calling herself a Health Crusader, Patricia Bragg travels the world bringing her message of good health and vitality to millions. Founded in 1912 by her Father, Paul C. Bragg, Bragg Live Foods has a line of organic products, such as the famous Bragg Organic Apple Cider Vinegar and Brag Organic Olive Oil, manufactured to the highest standards and comprised of ingredients grown on various Bragg Organic Farms around the world.
Last year Bragg Live Foods held a series of centennial celebrations that included a huge party at the Natural Products Expo West in Anaheim, California and scaled down version in Chicago. A whirlwind of energy at all times, Patricia?s effusive attitude and upbeat personality brings joy to all those who encounter her. She was inducted into the Natural Products Expo Hall of Legends last March and a video of that ceremony can be seen below.
In this amazing offer, you get all ten Bragg, healthy living books for an amazing low price. The set includes:
The Bragg Health Book Library broadly covers the ways to reach and maintain a Healthy Lifestyle through natural and time-proven methods. You will find a wealth of information on how to live a full, healthy and happy life.
Patricia Bragg Inducted into the Natural Products Expo Hall of Legends
About Bragg Live Foods:
In 1912 Paul Bragg opened a small health store in Los Angeles, and from that small beginning an international health products company which as produced more than 365 products came into being. Bragg Live Foods, now run by Paul?s daughter, Patricia, Bragg, called the First Lady of Natural Living, is charging full steam ahead after after holding a number of 100th Anniversary special events in 2012.
The Bragg Vision for the future is exciting! Continuing on the Bragg Legacy and Crusade, Bragg Live Food Products is developing a one hundred twenty acre organic farm on the outskirts of Santa Barbara, California. The property is in the process of being modeled into an incredible Organic Teaching Farm & Center with facilities to both educate and instruct in the values of growing and eating organics, called the Bragg Health Institute. The Bragg Health Institute was inspired in part by an educational program called ?Bring a Farmer to School?, in which Dr. Patricia Bragg, the Director of Health Science: Dr. John Westerdahl and Bragg?s Organic
Farmers were invited to speak to children at the local elementary schools. The focus of the education outreach is to teach children about the importance of eating more organic fruits & vegetables and how organic farming plays an important role in environmentally – friendly, health plant foods. Last year the Bragg Health Institute donated thousands of
organic apples to the local school districts which were grown on the Bragg Organic Farm.
2012 marks 100 years of since her father, Paul Bragg, set about launching a health revolution that has resulted in whole industries dedicated to creating healthy food products. His amazing legacy, detailed below, began when he was stricken with tuberculosis and found a cure at Swiss clinic. He retuned and founded America?s first Health Food Store in 1912 and is known as the Father of America?s Health Movement by introducing the benefits of purified water, juices, herbal teas and organic foods to the U.S. market.
Patricia Bragg ND, PhD, is a dynamic speaker and a living, energetic symbol of the healthy lifestyle she teaches. Her father, Paul C. Bragg opened America?s first Health Food Store in 1912 and is known as the Father of America?s Health Movement by introducing the benefits of purified water, juices, herbal teas and organic foods to the U.S. market. Dr. Paul C Bragg was a pioneer in the health movement in America:
? He started the first modern Health Food Store in America, and originated the name. Now they are popular around the world.
? He was the first person to introduce to the Pineapple Juice, then later Tomato Juice, to the American public. Before this, people thought these juices would be too acidic, but soon these juices became some of America?s favorite beverages.
? He was the first person to introduce Honey nationwide by making it available to the general public, before it was available only at roadside stands by the farmer.
? He introduced Juice Therapy in America by bringing the first hand vegetable and fruit juicer from Germany. Now juices are accepted around the world as the ideal health beverage.
? He pioneered Health Radio in Hollywood years ago with his 3 times daily Program of Health.
? He pioneered a Health TV Show ? which helped to spread what the name of the show was called ? ?Health and Happiness.? It was a five-day a week, half-hour show comprised of exercise time, health recipes and visual demonstrations and guest time, where famous people shared their health and happiness secrets with the viewers.
Patricia is 100% dedicated to continue the Health Crusade that her father started 100 years ago. She has won international acclaim for her teachings in the health field and has toured the world 13 times spreading physical and spiritual health through lectures and thousands of radio, television, and print interviews. Her Healthy Lifestyle teachings are of worldwide appeal and easily incorporated by people of all ages, nationalities and walks of life. Patricia Bragg has been the health consultant to some of Hollywood?s biggest stars including; Clint Eastwood, Tom Hanks, Steve Jobs, Katy Perry and Jack LaLanne, to name a few, and has a monthly health column in The Hollywood Times.
Patricia?s library of inspiring self-health books have renewed, rejuvenated, and revitalized the lives of millions worldwide by supporting a change with self-improvement. Her best-selling book Apple Cider Vinegar-Miracle Health System has sold in excess of 9 million copies to date. Patricia?s signature products include Bragg Organic Apple Cider Vinegar & All- Natural Drinks, Bragg Organic Extra Virgin Olive Oil, Bragg Liquid Aminos, 3 different Bragg Organic Seasonings, and 4 different Salad Dressings & Marinades; all of which provide many internal and external health benefits, and have been recognized as the Best in the industry.
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