Have you tried to make money online before and failed miserably?
Are you sick of buying course after course but never getting any results?
Have you lost your shirt with paid advertising in the past?
If you answered YES to those three questions…
This might be the most important letter you’ll read this year.
Here’s the deal…
Something happened to me last week.
Something that changed my plans entirely for the month of June.
In the span of about two hours…
I received emails from two of my past students.
The two students don’t know each other and had no clue what was about to transpire.
I logged in to check my email that morning, like I always do…
And that’s when I read both of their emails…
Emails from two different students…
Who have never met…
And, don’t know each other at all…
Wrote almost the exact same email to me word for word.
Like, I’m talking WORD FOR WORD.
It stopped me DEAD in my tracks.
I leaned back in my chair…
Took my glasses off…
And, sat there for a few minutes in disbelief.
I’ve been sharing my knowledge and experience with other marketers online since 2010.
Not once has anything like this ever happened.
It wasn’t just that their emails were almost identically written word for word…
It was the question they both ASKED in their emails that really got me thinking.
Here’s the question…
“Any chance you’ll make a ‘start from nothing’ case study showing you make money from scratch?”
That may not seem like much to you but to me…
It was a HUUUGE “ah-ha” moment.
These past few years I had gotten away from the “start from scratch” follow-along case studies I used to do.
Why, you ask?
Great question. I have no frickin’ clue. Cuz I’m a moron, I guess, I don’t know lol! 🤣🤦♂️
My students always love those types of case studies.
Watching me do it right in front of your eyes…
Proves it IS possible for even a beginner to start from scratch and make money online.
Reading their two emails, dang-near back-to-back…
Made me realize how much I had veered off that path with my teachings these last few years.
That’s why I decided to scratch my previous plans for June…
And, dedicate the ENTIRE month to this BRAND NEW case study.
An old-school, live, follow-along case study like I used to do.
You see it ALL…
Every step of the way…
Every click of the mouse…
Every tap of the keyboard…
The whole enchilada…
As if you were standing here in my office watching over my shoulder.
But there IS a catch.
Actually, there are a few “catches”…
In the past, I had 50-100 students at a time follow along live with these case studies.
The problem was, I couldn’t give each student the time and attention they needed to be able to replicate my success.
My time was spread way too thin.
Plus, it got to the point where students in similar niches were competing with each other, which makes it pretty hard to succeed.
If you’re looking to make money online using nothing but free traffic, you’re outta luck here.
Free traffic sucks for three reasons:
It’s NOT fast…
It’s NOT consistent…
It’s NOT scalable.
Having used both free and paid traffic throughout my time online…
I’ve learned if you want to make money online FAST…
And, continue to make consistent money online…
Paid traffic is required. Period. End of story.
For that reason, I will ONLY be using paid traffic in this case study.
I’ll tell you a bit more about the traffic source in a sec.
The last “catch” is…
If you think there’s some secret magic easy button for making money online that only I know about…
This is definitely not for you.
Like I tell all of my students when it comes to paid traffic…
Successful campaigns are NOT born…
They are created one step at a time with careful precision.
“Stupid” Traffic Source Generates 87 Email Subscribers in 1 DAY.
I’m still in shock. For real.
I never imagined this traffic source would amount to anything.
In fact, at one time, I thought it was so STUPID that I swore I’d never use it.
I came across something a few days ago that changed my mind (more on that in a sec).
I gave in and decided to test it out.
And, I’m SOOO glad I did!
I don’t think I’ve ever been more WRONG in my marketing life lol!
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