Here’s How I’ll Help You Create Continuity With Just One Weekend’s Worth Of Work
Continuity In A Weekend
I’ve developed this course following a simple implementation pathway.
The goal is for you to take this course, and within a weekend have a continuity program ready to launch.
I’ll show you how to launch, the strategies you can use to fill your membership, and even how I build 7-figure continuity offers.
There are 3 steps we’ll cover together in this course:
Step 1. Design
The type of continuity you build needs to fit your lifestyle AND business demands/needs.
In this part of the program that’s all we’re gonna focus on: Designing the right kind of continuity for whatever your goals might be.
Some of the topics we’ll cover:
Low ticket vs. high ticket continuity – which is right for you?
“What do I put in my continuity offer to make someone want to buy it?”
Why “less is more” especially when it comes to getting and keeping members
How to get other people to create content for your continuity program so you can get off the hamster wheel and run an actual business
“What should my continuity offer be about?”
How much work really needs to go into continuity offer content for people to feel they’ve gotten their money’s worth
By the end of Step 1 you’ll have a fully mapped out continuity offer that fits your personality, your skill levels, and the needs of your business.
Step 2. Build
I’ll cover the low-tech and simple way to launch.
No need to get overly technical at this point. Let’s make sales first and we can overcomplicate stuff later when we have more money than sense.
I’ll make this simple enough your Virtual Assistant/teenage kid could put it all together for you. That’s about as much as you need to worry about it.
Your goal isn’t to become a continuity tech expert, it’s to serve your customers and make them want to come back for more.
Step 3. Launch
I’ll show you exactly what I do to launch new continuity programs.
I’ll show you how to sell your continuity evergreen, every day.
I’ll show you how to get a rush of sales all at once…
… and a slow but growing trickle of sales every day for years and years and years.
Join “Continuity In A Weekend” Today
Additional Training You’ll Receive
When You Buy “Continuity In A Weekend”
Bonus #1:
7-Figure Membership Marketing Secrets
I’ll show you exactly how to scale any continuity (high-ticket or low-ticket) to 7-figures per year or more.
I’ll even give you the cost breakdowns so you know what kinds of margins to expect, timelines for how long something like this takes, and more.
Bonus #2:
Make It Stick: How To Keep Members Longer (And Make Way More Money)
This is more important than anyone talks about… getting your members to STICK with you.
I’ve seen behind the scenes, as a copywriter and marketing consultant, of some of the largest, most successful continuity offers in the world… and I’m gonna share with you how those programs (and my own) retain their buyers MUCH longer that average.
This alone is worth the price of the program if you know how valuable long term customers can be to your business.
Bonus #3:
My 7-figure “Continuity Stack”
I’ll show exactly what we’re doing here in Peaceful Profits to bring at least $100k/month in continuity revenue ($176k/month to be exact).
I’ll show you the offers, the why behind those offers, and much more.
This is gonna be an open book session where I show you exactly what we’re doing.
Bonus #4:
Getting Other People To Create The Content For You
I don’t know about you, but I don’t actually have time to create content month after month…
Plus, I want to serve my customers BEYOND my own limits and capacity in knowledge.
So, in this bonus module I’ll share with you how I get other experts to contribute content, create community, and make my continuity the gold standard in every market I enter.
This is how you actually create “hands free” continuity.
Bonus #5:
101 Continuity Offer Ideas
It is what it says: I’ve done the work of coming up with all the ideas you’ll ever need!
You can combine, mix and match, or take them as they are. I cover every major niche and audience type in this list + I have a brief overview video where I walk you through many of them to help spark ideas for you.
Bonus #6:
7-Figure Print Newsletter Breakdown
Let me take you behind the scenes of one of my most profitable continuity offers I ever ran… a print newsletter.
We’ll look at how I sold it, what the issues looked like, how I came up with content, who I used a print and distributing company, and more.
This is a full, open book, behind-the-scenes look at my print newsletter business.
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