Video description
Marketing Analytics Beyond Advertising: How Right-Brained Marketers Can Master the Numbers
- Title: Marketing Analytics Beyond Advertising: How Right-Brained Marketers Can Master the Numbers
- Author(s): Mike Moran
- Release date: November 2021
- Publisher(s): FT Press
- ISBN: 0137673329
Table of contents
- Introduction
- Marketing Analytics Beyond Advertising: Introduction
- Lesson 1: Introduction to Digital Marketing Analytics
- Learning objectives
- 1.1 Why are analytics so important?
- 1.2 How do you overcome math phobia?
- 1.3 How do you tell a story with numbers?
- 1.4 How do you reason with numbers?
- Lesson 1 Exercise: Project Progress
- Lesson 2: How Marketing Analytics Are Used
- Learning objectives
- 2.1 What are Key Performance Indicators (KPIs)?
- 2.2 What are key types of Marketing Analytics?
- 2.3 How do tracking codes work?
- Lesson 2 Exercise: Project Progress
- Lesson 3: Foundational Marketing Metrics
- Learning objectives
- 3.1 How do activity metrics work?
- 3.2 How do I measure content?
- 3.3 How do I track the customer journey?
- Lesson 3 Exercise: Project Progress
- Lesson 4: Audience Metrics
- Learning objectives
- 4.1 What questions must I ask about audiences?
- 4.2 How do I collect audience information – legally?
- 4.3 What can I do with audience metrics?
- Lesson 4 Exercise: Project Progress
- Lesson 5: Money Metrics
- Learning objectives
- 5.1 How do I measure sales?
- 5.2 What is attribution?
- 5.3 How do I prove Return on Investment (ROI)?
- Lesson 5 Exercise: Project Progress
- Lesson 6: Working with Marketing Analytics
- Learning objectives
- 6.1 What process do we follow to make progress?
- 6.2 How does A/B testing work?
- 6.3 How does conversion rate optimization work?
- 6.4 How do I score leads?
- Lesson 6 Exercise: Project Progress
- Lesson 7: What’s Next?
- Learning objectives
- 7.1 What’s coming next in marketing analytics?
- 7.2 What’s next for you in marketing analytics?
- Summary
- Marketing Analytics Beyond Advertising: Summary
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