Let Me Show You How I Make $47,338.81 Per Month in Passive Income “Working” For Less Than 30 Minutes A Day…
I’m Not A Writer, But I Run My Own Blog (And You Can Too!)
It’s time to create a recession-proof, COVID-proof, and LIFE PROOF online income, that PASSIVELY rakes in $5,000 or more each and every month!
Here’s what you’ll get when you buy the Blog Money Blueprint course today:
- Generate Passive Income – Learn EXACTLY How to Generate Thousands of Dollars Per Month in Passive Income (So You Can Literally Make Money While You Sleep!)
- Quit Your 9-5 Job – Discover How Students All Over The World Are LEAVING The Rat Race Once And For All, And Making A 6-Figure Income From Working Online At Home!
- Step-by-Step Guide – Peek Behind The Curtain As I Reveal The EXACT Process I Use to Make Well Over $15,000/month Online With A Blog!

Module 1 – The Blogtrepreneur’s Mindset
In this module, you’ll understand the “mindset secrets” that every successful blogger understands… and that once YOU understand, will help you build a 6-figure blogging empire.
- 99% of new bloggers FAIL because they start with the wrong mindset. I’ll show you exactly how to think, plan, and strategize like a millionaire blogger, so you’ll execute at hyper-speed and build bulletproof business confidence.
- Transform your blog into a lucrative business with my mental roadmap to successthat makes failure almost IMPOSSIBLE! (By the way, this kind of advanced personal development will obliterate all roadblocks and distractions for almost everything you do in life.)
- Learn the EXACT goal-setting process that I use, to NEVER feel lost or confused over what to do next. EVERY successful person I know does some form of this. And I’ve carefully designed this process to help you build unstoppable momentum so you make more and more every month. You’ll be amazed at how much you can potentially start earning in just a few weeks.
- The 3 key milestones you MUST hit for your blog to do 6-figures in your first year. Missing just 1 of these is the kiss of death. Nail all 3 and you could be on pace to do at least $100k a year less than 90 days from now.
- Action is WAY more important than theory. That’s why I organized this course into simple, practical steps so there’s nothing to hold you back or slow you down. The sooner your blog is up and running, the sooner you can turn in your 2-weeks, flip your boss the birdie, and NEVER be a wage slave to the 9-5 again.
- If you follow all my instructions, and internalize the mindset laid out in this module, you’ll have a blog filling your bank account before most newbies can even write their first article.
Module 2 – The 5-Step Blogging Blueprint
- Building a million-dollar blog is easier than you think (although fake “gurus” like to complicate the process to make themselves feel good). I’ve broken down the process of constructing a profitable blog into 5 critical steps that make it simple, quick, and almost impossible to screw up.
- Harness the power of the NICHE. I’ll show you why creating a blog around a specific niche will make blogging easy while building a loyal audience that hangs on your every word.I’ll even break down examples of good and bad niches along the way — so you know exactly what does and doesn’t work (more on niches in a second).
- What sort of content should you write? Guides? Reviews? I’ll teach you the “Golden Ratio of Content.”A brilliant shortcut that reveals exactly what you should write to maximize traffic and boost profits.
- WARNING: Uncover the #1 MISTAKEthat most new bloggers make in their first 3-6 months. This single gaffe forces them to quit before they even make a single buck online.
- Can’t think of a niche for your blog? Don’t worry, I’ll give you a dozen hand selected nichesyou can pick from so you don’t have to think twice about it.
- Too much or too little monetization can KILL your blog. I’ll show you the secret “sweet spot” that keeps the money flowing while keeping your audience happy. You’ll strike the perfect balance so you never stomp on your own profits or scare away a single visitor.
- Get the key to attracting a TON of new visitors to your blog without being glued to the keyboard pumping out new content every day. I leverage this little-knock trick to bring in 4,000+ newbies to my blog DAILY!
Module 3 – Finding A Profitable Niche
Module 4 – Building Your Blog from Scratch
Get everything you need to launch your blog while skipping over time-sucking tasks. It literally doesn’t get any easier and faster than this.
Module 5 – How to Monetize Your Blog
Transform your blog from “live” to “lucrative” OVERNIGHT. Here we’ll unlock 3 proven revenue streams that bring in bundles of money on their own — and can even be stacked together to MULTIPLY your income.
Module 6 – Writing Articles That Rank & Pay
No need to spend a fortune on ads or reek of desperation begging friends and family to check out your blog. Here you’ll learn a simple formula to create irresistible content on-demand and how to get DROVES of strangers glued to your blog, forking over their hard-earned cash to YOU!
Module 7 – Adding Rocket Fuel to Your Blog’s Traffic
Making money in blogging is about two things. First, generating traffic, and THEN monetizing it. Here you’ll learn the “growth hacks” I’ve used to generate a blogging empire that gets over 100,000+ new customers per MONTH, generating THOUSANDS of dollars while I sleep!
Get crowds of total strangers coming to your blog around the clock and sticking around to buy whatever you’re selling. This funnel shuttles your ideal audience to your blog for you, and helps you make more $$$ per visitor.
- The #1 reason blogs don’t make moneyis because they don’t have what’s called a “sales funnel,” which means the blog owners have to do 10x more work for 1/10th of the results. Not you, though – after buying this course and watching this module, you’ll understand exactly how to build a “blogging machine” that converts visitors into cash FOR YOU, even while you sleep.
- You’ll learn to understand the “Customer’s Journey”- a critical concept that will help you take your profits to the next level. There are 3 different types of “customers,” and I’ll show you how to target the ones who are MOST likely to buy your stuff, saving you both money AND time!
- More traffic doesn’t always mean more money. Find out how to adjust your blog’s articles so you get more “HOT Traffic” (the people most likely to buy your products). True story: I used this concept to turn 15 views per day into $2,500/month
- Building your customer avatar – learn the essential tool that expert marketers use to understand their audience. I’ll show you how to get deep inside their mind like a master psychologist, and craft content that they can’t help but DEVOUR from start to finish. This is the ONLY way to connect with your audience, WITHOUT being manipulative!
- How to write with passion and authority, and create ENTHRALLING blog posts your audience loves to read, share, and talk about… even if you flunked English!
- Get an introduction to Email Marketing, the #1 best way to earn money online. I’ll teach you how to build a list of committed buyers who will be STARVING to buy your products. All you have to do is tap “send” and rake in the dough.
Module 9 – The Ultimate White Hat SEO Master Class
Get your blog plastered on the first page of Google, so people from every corner of the earth find it (without even looking). This is how businesses like HuffPost and Buzzfeed rapidly earned MILLIONS of readers and dollars without spending a dime on advertising.
- Search Engine Optimization is the easiest and most reliable way to get free traffic. Discover the secrets of standing out amidst BILLIONSof Google search results. Get this right and you can literally “steal” traffic from just about any competitor.
- Crack the code on the Google algorithm. You’ll learn about the inner workings of Google, what they look for, and the 3 biggest ranking criteriatheir algorithm uses to evaluate websites, along with examples of great topics to blog about, that can deliver you piles of traffic on a silver platter.
- SEO is a complex subject I’ve simplified so much that even your deadbeat cousin could understand the ins and outs of it at a breakneck pace. Use the tips and tricks inside to drive massive traffic to your blog without wasting time on anything technical. You’re about to learn strategies that took me 5 years to uncover in just a few days.
- Discover the MASTER KEY to make small blogs win BIG on Google. There’s only 3 metrics you need to keep your eye on for your blog to SOAR in the rankings, and get thousands of new customers DAILY.
- Master how to craft content that gets clicks. Discover how to create blog titles that arouse insatiable curiosity in your visitors so they can’t help but read every single word you post.
- My site has over 250 articles, many of which make me more than $100/day. That equates to $36k/year from just ONE article.In other words, SEO is one of the most important skills on the web. The price of this whole course is worth it for just THIS one module alone.
Module 10 – Digital Product Auto-Pilot Guide
Now that you know the wealth of opportunity to get rich online, let me show you how to multiply your income by creating courses, e-Books, and other digital products. Create them just ONCE and you can rack in cash until the end of time.
Module 11 – Affiliate Advertising Advanced Tactics
You don’t have to sell your own stuff to add commas to your monthly income. Here’s how you can make a killing by recommending other people’s products, so you don’t even have to make one yourself!
- Learn how to generate a ton of money by promoting almost any product you want. I’ll show you how to sign up for your first affiliate program in seconds. One good article can you make you THOUSANDS of dollars in affiliate income in just one day!
- How to find GOOD affiliate programs and avoid the scammy ones. WARNING: Not understanding this cost me over $100,000 in income (a mistake I’ll reveal to you in-depth when you buy this course…)
- The 3 best affiliate programsI recommend that will make you substantial passive income even if you’re just starting off. These are the 3 affiliate programs that EVERYONE should sign up for.
- How to design affiliate pages that build MASSIVE trust among your readers, helping you stand out among the competition and boosting your SEO just by making your blog look a little bit sexier.
- Keywords are key. Discover how to research great products that don’t have much keyword competition, so you can jump in and take over. Plus, don’t be scared of competitive keywords! Soon you’ll be a keyword powerhouse (even if you’ve never heard of them before), making money in the most competitive markets.
Module 12 – Understanding Important Plugins
Plugins are like “apps” for your blog, and the right “app” can make your life 10x easier. Here you’ll discover the 7 most mission critical plugins that I used to scale my blog from $0 to over $15,000 per month.
- Learn how I leveraged these 7 critical pluginsto literally outrank BODYBUILDING.COM for a very specific keyword that generates over $100/day on autopilot (HINT: it’s easier than you think)
- Discover the best SEO pluginto 10x your blog traffic, and funnel a steady stream of eager customers to hand you their cold hard cash. Just using this one plugin can easily double or triple your blog’s traffic within a matter of WEEKS!
- Google Search Console – learn how to use this lesser known tool to literally double your traffic IN LESS THAN 24 HOURS. No joke! By understanding a simple metric called “CTR” or “Click Through Rate,” you can laser-focus specific articles that have HUGE potential for increases!
- Learn the best SSL pluginto make your website SECURE. In other words, it “encrypts” your website (behind the scenes), which signals to Google that your website is trustworthy, causing them to show your website to literally thousands of new visitors each day.
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