![Dan Kennedy – Writing For Info Marketers Training & Certification Program Download](https://9wsodl.com/wp-content/uploads/2024/03/Dan-Kennedy-%E2%80%93-Writing-For-Info-Marketers-Training-Certification-Program-Download.png)
The Course itself includes four online modules. They are:
Module 1 | Comprehensive ‘Tour’ of the Info-Marketing Industry |
Module 2 | Needs of these Clients & Specific Writing Opportunities |
Module 3 | Client-Getting: Who, Where & How: Who They Are, Where ToFind Them, How To Effectively Present Yourself To Them |
Module 4 | Effective Copywriting for Info-Marketers with a Portfolio of Samples and Analysis |
You will also receive an (offline) Reference Manual, including Writing Templates, Outlines, Checklists and Samples, a copy of the up-dated Official Get Rich Guide To Info-Marketing from the Information Marketing Association, published by Entrepreneur Press as a course textbook, and my exclusive Certification.
Module 1 will thoroughly familiarize you with the different kinds of companies and entrepreneurs in the industry illustrated by actual examples and give you insider understanding of how their businesses work, where their profits are derived from, and how their owners think about advertising, marketing, customer development and retention, and products. You’ll also learn the lingo, the industry/tribal language, so you can communicate with these clients with confidence and avoid mistakes that would mark you as outsider or ill-informed amateur and raise doubts about your capability. These clients do NOT want “just a copywriter” that they feel they have to school, bring up to speed and work with extensively; they want somebody ready to write for them. This Module makes sure you are NOT perceived as ‘a stranger in a strange land.’
Module 2 explores the various needs of these clients, such as lead conversion, monetizing resistant or inactive leads, new customer acquisition, upsells, etc. as well as all offline and online media used and how it is used…leading to a “catalog” of writing opportunities available with these clients. Armed with this insider information, you don’t just show up at their door carrying a “Will Write For Food” sign and a laptop; you are able to ask intelligent, probative questions about their needs (that demonstrated your preparedness to work with them) and able to suggest ways you might be of service. You’ll also get a Resources Directory of respected experts and vendors to the info-marketing industry, of direct-mail services, Google and SEO services, social media marketing, etc., so that (as “on your own homework”) you can visit their sites, access their literature, and build your understanding of who-does-what-for-whom in the info-marketing world.
Module 3 lays out WHO these clients are; WHERE to find them via various sources online and offline; and HOW TO effectively present yourself to them via distance communication or in-person. In this Module, you’ll also be shown how to create your listing for the AWAI-IMA Online Directory of Dan Kennedy Certified Info-Marketing Copywriters, and how to make use of it, as well as having other opportunities to market yourself to clients “on Planet Dan.” You’ll get tips for finding “hidden info-marketers” quietly based in your own town, city or area too. THIS IS “WHERE THE RUBBER MEETS THE ROAD”: where you are pointed at clients who are hoping somebody just like you shows up!
Module 4 is the critical preparation to actually write copy that sells for info-marketers. We’ll look at copy for info-products, courses, moneymaking opportunities, seminars, tele-seminars, webinars, conferences, conventions, coaching programs and much more. The key copy elements for each specific purpose as well as general issues about “why customers buy information” are included. You’ll also be told how to find and observe campaigns in progress from top info-marketers online. You will also be prepared for non-sales writing for these clients, with key elements for books and courses, newsletters, online content, and other deliverables. This Module is all about shortcuts and speed, so that you can apply your writing skills to info-marketing needs immediately. KEEP IN MIND: over 50% of my work as a copywriter is done in this industry, for which I’m paid well over One Million Dollars a year in fees and royalties. I’m at my pinnacle after 30+ years, and have some clients who’ve been with me nearly that lon…and a “bank” of material and samples unmatched by anyone in the world.
Each Module consists of a 60 to 75-minute voiced slide-show presentation with integrated examples, delivered online; a homework assignment; and directions to additional free resources. Plus, a printed version of the presentation will also be included in your Reference Manual.
Keep in mind that I PERSONALLY PREPARED this entire Program.
CERTIFICATION: Your Certification is issued after completion of the Course and an online test. With compliance with certain rules, you will then be able to identify yourself as a Dan Kennedy Certified Info-Marketing Copywriter in any or all of your marketing and professional literature. And, you will be able to advertise yourself in the above-described exclusive online directory.
(1) – AS A FAST ACTION BONUS, you also receive online access to an interview series created exclusively for this Program, with IMA’s President Robert Skrob talking directly with info-marketers about their use of freelance copywriters, the kinds of projects they deal with, and what they look for in the freelancers they hire.
(2) – EXTRA BONUS: IMA MEMBERSHIP free for 2 months. ($9.78 shipping/handling). You can fully participate as an Information Marketing Association Member for two full months, a terrific opportunity to familiarize yourself with the info-marketing industry as a true insider, with web site access, tele-classes and my No B.S. Info-Marketing Letter. After the 2 months, you may continue IMA membership at its lowest monthly fee or cancel as you prefer. Obviously, if you are serious about writing for info-marketers, you’ll benefit enormously from being an active IMA Member yourself, but there is no obligation to do so. With Program Module #1, you’ll be given an exclusive AWAI link to an IMA site, to register for your 2-month trial membership.
There’s a second possible bonus to all this too: as you discover how the info-marketing industry really works and how much money there is to be made, you may decided to become your own client, and enter the field as an entrepreneur and publisher. If so, your IMA Membership, access to its resources and my No B.S. INFO-Marketing Letter will be invaluable!
(3) – POST-CERTIFICATION SUPPORT: From me, you get one Critique of rough-draft-stage work for an info-marketing client at no additional charge plus up to two 1-hour private tele-consulting calls to discuss your work with clients if you need to, at a deep discount from my standard rate. You keep all this in your back pocket, to pull out and use if any when the need arises.
1-hour private tele-consulting calls to discuss your work with clients if you need to, at a deep discount from my standard rate. You keep all this in your back pocket, to pull out and use if any when the need arises.
(4) – ONE MORE BONUS: I recently recorded 3 no-holds-barred Q&A sessions with upcoming Info Marketers. You can listen in and hear what I have to say about …
- How to “re-purpose” existing copy when you don’t have a strong portfolio
- The value of using story leads in marketing yourself
- Why it’s important to measure response to content pieces with your client
- How to demonstrate your understanding of your clients business
- What to focus on when designing your website to attract Info Marketers
- How to set yourself up as a “marketing strategist”
- Getting your clients to help you analyze their needs (beyond “copy”)
And much more Let’s review key FACTS about the unique opportunity waiting for you, writing for information-marketers:
(1): There is an entire industry with enormous need for freelance copywriters and writers schooled in its business and needs – ironically, not saturated with writers at all.
(2): Most of the businesses in it are small to mid-sized companies, with revenues from 6-figures to 7-figures, where the owner is engaged as entrepreneur, and you get to work with the ‘top dog.’
(3): These businesses’ have excellent profit margins and good equity in long-term customer value as well as “big pay-day opportunities” like seminars and product launches, so these clients can afford to pay – and will pay – good fees to writers they come to rely on.
(4): There is constant need, as these businesses rely on putting out written communication to their customers daily, weekly, monthly, online and offline. All their sales activity and all their deliverables revolve around the written word! This means you can cement on-going relationships and create a steady flow of “next assignments.”
(5): These clients tend to be clannish and work together in joint ventures and alliances, so success with one virtually guarantees referrals to others.
(6): Because they can be located anywhere, they’re located everywhere – there are multi-million dollar info-marketers quietly working from their homes, in small offices or at the corner Starbucks in your town, but these clients are very accustomed to working with vendors and professionals at a distance and eager to out-source, so you have the entire industry as your market no matter where you live.
(7): They gather at key conferences each year, so there are in-person networking opportunities, speaking opportunities, even exhibit-hall opportunities, should you want to promote yourself that way.
(8): Your Dan Kennedy Certification will have significant influence with these clients. Many have been “birthed” by me, many more have studied my materials and followed my lead in launching and developing their info-businesses, many more observe from afar, thousands get my newsletter specifically for this industry, and I am very well-known and respected throughout this field. (9) This is one of THE MOST COMPLETE PROGRAMS ever offered to AWAI Members!
Imagine….finally….having a readily accessible “pool” of good potential clients eager to find good freelance copywriters and writers, knowing exactly how to present yourself to them and even having direct assistance in attracting them … and creating on-going relationships with clients who “consume” enormous quantities of writing, who can keep you busy with interesting work, and are happy to support you in style! THIS IS BIG, isn’t it?
THIS is exactly what this industry has done for me over years and continues to do at present. Writing for this industry has paid for my two homes, a debt-free life, my classic cars, my racehorses, my private jet travel, my charitable giving – and allows me to make thousands of dollars a day at home, with a 3-minute commute. The week I’m writing this letter to you I’m also completing a $56,000.00 fee writing project for an info-marketer client I’ve done work for one to several times a year for the past 11 years. And beginning work on a 6-figure project spanning 3 months for another repeat info-marketer client. IMAGINE THAT! – clients you can count on! What would it mean to YOU to have this kind of clientele?
This is far, far, far more than “another Program.” This is a very real opportunity to ESTABLISH YOURSELF with a stable client
![DAN KENNEDY](https://9wsodl.com/wp-content/uploads/2024/03/DAN-KENNEDY.jpg)
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