![Download Ash Ambirge - Selfish School 2023](https://9wsodl.com/wp-content/uploads/2024/12/Download-Ash-Ambirge-Selfish-School-2023.png)
If you’ve been craving change and wanting to find a better way to do online business, this is for you.
- Package your knowledge into a high-value intellectual property asset
- Learn how to sell your digital products on autopilot without social media
- Add it as an income stream to an existing business or start from scratch with a new one
- Divorce your earnings from your time using technology & smart packaging
- And finally have FUN & make a strong income with your interests, hobbies, passions, and skills…and finally enjoy what you’re doing again
Selfish School Includes Everything You Need to Earn $250K from Anywhere
What’s Inside Selfish School?
There are eight phases designed to be done in order so you can build your Selfish Business all the way from start to finish: from ideation all the way through execution.
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The Rules of a Selfish Business
How The Selfish Method is different from traditional online business models, and why it deliberately doesn’t require any type of social media, videos, Reels, TikToks, Facebook groups, communities, or the never-ending hamster wheel of content creation
Why 1980s thinking will kill your Selfish Business before you’ve even started—including the false but common assumptions that “getting found = sales” and that you need to constantly “give value” in order to earn a sale (both of which are rejected under The Selfish Method)
Why 1:1 client work is NOT a workable business model under The Selfish Method unless you truly want it to be. (When your dollars and time are inextricably linked as your main source of revenue, you’ve significantly limited both your hard-currency income ($) and your uncommitted time earnings ($T), neither of which produces a desirable outcome)
How we develop a lean, mean, profitable Selfish Business instead: we take your knowledge and skills, we package them into a “Smart Selfish Intellectual Property Asset”—i.e. a high-value digital product made for this type of system—that can be traded for high economic benefit, and we divorce your time from your value. Then, we apply a sales engine to it using technology—and the end result is a powerful, lean remote business (or division of your business) that runs itself with minimal resource input. And maximum fun!
The Selfish Money Axis, and why finding your sweet spot here is the key to low exhaustion, high profits
The #1 thing you need to get RIGHT in order for your Selfish Business to be profitable & run itself (and what you should never, ever do)
The two (2) types of Selfish Intellectual Property assets you can create, and which one is best for your situation
What to do if you’re stuck for ideas and you’re not passionate about your current line of work and want to try something new…but, how? Introducing: THE SELFISH BRIDGE: a new way of linking your past experience with your current passions to create a new Selfish Business.
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Map Out Your Selfish Business
The critical difference between the average online business that gets no traction, and a high-octane Selfish Business that rips and roars without exhausting yourself on social media & other low ROI marketing activities
Why we want to create the most simple business model possible: lean, mean, and effective. You don’t need to have all of the fancy bells and whistles to make something incredible. But, you do need a killer product.
Figuring out your product + building your Selfish Sales Engine—plus, how to find your Selfish Baseline Numbers and use them to help you self-diagnose any “holes” (you’ll know there’s a hole when sales are slow!)
Taking your Selfish Sales Engine and putting it on autopilot. We have three rules, called “The 3C’s,” and they’re the heart of The Selfish Method! This is how we take your Smart Selfish Intellectual Property and sell it using technology, maximizing income ($USD) while minimizing committed time ($T)
The Selfish Money Rule of 1%–and why you only need to focus on this one little number in order to hit your $250K goal
Why something called your “Selfish Concept” will make or break the entire system (students are having big ah-ha moments with this one!)
Why our goal is NOT to collect subscribers—and who you want on your email list instead
The Selfish IP Pricing Scale—and the 8 factors that tell you exactly how much you should price your Selfish Intellectual Property (Plus when you should nudge up…and when you should nudge down. Major light bulbs go off in this session!)
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Set Up Your Selfish Business
Learn how to use technology to autopilot your entire business so it sells for you 24/7—woo hoo!
Forget complicated websites—you can begin your Selfish Business without one! In fact, most traditional websites are actually the reason why most online businesses fail. (Surprise!)
Your Selfish Business is going to be powered entirely by email—the most underrated, underused tool in the world. Here, we’ll get you set up with the right system (and you’ll be shocked at how easy it truly is, once you understand the system).
Get the secret formula for getting people to subscribe like wildfire. You can’t go wrong when you follow these steps! (Yup, I’ll tell you exactly what to write.)
Get an exact breakdown of precisely which emails you’re going to send, for how long, and in which order—the Selfish Method has created the perfect system for selling your digital product using emails that go out on autopilot and do the selling for you (you know, so you can go outside, breathe fresh air, and never be trapped at the computer again)
Learn how to design beautiful emails without being a designer—you’ll be amazed at these hacks that make it seem like you paid thousands to make your new Selfish Business look gooooooooooood. (A critical component for trust & authority.)
Get ready to pre-launch your Selfish Business & start getting those subscribers in the door!
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Pre-Launch Your Selfish Business
Learn how to gain early momentum now and get your first email subscribers on your list BEFORE you’ve launched your product: this way, once you’re ready, you’ll have a built-in audience of people clamoring for your you’re selling…without the crickets. (And no, you don’t need to have an email list first!)
One of the hardest parts of creating any kind of digital product or online business is cutting through the overwhelm and actually getting started. After thirteen years mentoring others in online business, The Selfish Method has built-in a fail-proof way to get you the momentum you need WITHOUT you overthinking it, over-procrastinating it, or feeling overwhelmed.
Instead of waiting until everything is perfect (the fastest way to fail), we’re going to pre-launch your Selfish Business now, even though you don’t have a product ready yet, because one of the best forms of accountability? Building in public!
Get exact steps for pre-launching your Selfish Business, including word-by-word scripts you can use to make the announcement and start getting that early traction! WE ARE GOING TO BEAT PERFECTIONISM. And, you’ll be amazed at how effective this is. If you’ve taken online courses before and then struggled to actually execute, this system is for YOU.
Go through the pre-launch checklist and make sure your pre-launch system is 💯 automated and working properly—you’re going to be blown away at how easy this is, and how much relief you feel. No more anxiety! No more overwhelm. Just follow the steps. You can do this.
And last but not least: pre-launch your budding Selfish Business to the world! Before you’re ready. Yup, that’s exactly what we want.
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Build Your Selfish Sales Engine
First thing’s first: let’s learn how to write a Selfish Sales Page for your product! The sales page is *everything*. What you say here can make or break the success of your Selfish Business, so we want to make sure this is optimized for the kinds of buyers you’re seeking. (A critical component of the Selfish Method is that we aren’t seeking subscribers; we’re seeking buyers.)
You’ll get full step-by-step instructions on how to write the copy for your Selfish Sales Page—optimized for The Selfish buyer—plus a fully-executed example for you to follow to make this process as easy and as painless as possible!
Surprise: writing the sales page is *ACTUALLY* one of the best exercises you can do to get clarity on your product. So, if you’re feeling stuck or uncertain or flip flopping through a few ideas, doing this exercise is going to help you gain KILLER clarity. You will be amazed at how this helps.
Next, you’ll learn how to DIY design your sales page, even if you’re terrible at design. This is particularly useful for you to begin testing your Selfish Business without having to invest thousands of dollars in a designer at this stage. The better it looks, the more sales will convert, so this is a must!
And finally, THE most important part of your Selfish Sales System: your Selfish Sales Emails. This is a two-week, 14-count set of optimized sales emails that you’ll use to sell your product on autopilot—and you get a full instructional explaining exactly what needs to be in each one (each contains a very different purpose), and a fully-done example to help you see it in practice! Past students have said this was one of the most valuable parts of the whole program. You’ll learn how to write sales emails like a pro, even if you’ve never done it before, and your conversions will go through the roof…without you ever having to re-create the wheel again, or suffer from launch fatigue.
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Automate Your Selfish Engine
Learn the technology you need to make your Selfish Business run on its own.
Determine how you’re going to accept money and deliver your product. (Hint: I have strong feelings about this!)
There’s ONE tool that will make or break your Selfish Business—it’s 100% a non-negotiable must. (Even though it’s one of the most underrated tools out there.) This single-handedly will change your business forever.
You’ll learn how to link up the different pieces of technology in order to put your Selfish Sales System on 24/7 autopilot—use technology to make your life easier, and help it run without you! When done correctly, this will dramatically transform your income. Hint: you don’t need to constantly push a boulder up a hill. Learn how to put together a smart system, instead, and sit back as sales come in while you are calmly enjoying running your business and living your life.
Since your Selfish Business is run entirely via email, we can create the same exact experience for every subscriber, and make sure you aren’t a liability for your business. Say goodbye to your OWN shortcomings getting in the way of running your business like a pro.
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Pilot Your Selfish Business
First, you’ll pilot your new Selfish Business by opening it up to your email subscribers, whom you’ve been collecting, for a beta round. This is an early-stage soft launch that will let you keep momentum going, test out your copy, and gauge the reaction to your product. The way it works is this: customers can buy early when the product is still in production and receive it in stages as it’s being made. They’ll get the benefit of a favorable price point not available to the public, and in exchange, they can help offer feedback as they go…with the understanding that the work is still under construction. This is one of the BEST ways that you can ease into your new business without so many nerves and make sure you’re hitting all the right notes while gaining awesome testimonials and enjoying the process.
Which product format should you use? Digital products can be made in a number of different ways, from video to screencast tutorials to audios to PDF downloads and text…or a combination thereof. We’ll talk about the advantages and disadvantages of each, and how to create a product format that’s going to work with YOUR strengths. (Hint: if you dread video, you aren’t going to do video! CUE: SIGH OF RELIEF.)
Next, we’ll talk all about product delivery and the best way for you to deliver your product to customers…and why. We’ll consider individual learning objectives, customer experience objectives, and other factors the uninitiated typically aren’t yet experienced with, such as trademark infringement and copyright.
Should you include any type of interaction? Comments on or off? Do you add in coaching sessions? Or should this just be a straight-up digital product? (Hint: I’ll encourage you to pursue the latter!) Here, we’ll talk about how can you best structure your product to achieve your goals.
Finally, we’ll discuss some common pitfalls associated with creating a digital product–like how long it REALLY takes and how to create a joyful timeline for yourself with getting defeated or having unrealistic expectations.
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Market Your Selfish Business
Get the full Selfish Marketing Plan and see, from a high level, how the Selfish Marketing system works without social media. A true joy!
Learn the 7 marketing channels we’ll use instead—five of which are 100% free…and 10,000% effective. 🔥 You’ll be wowed at how simple it really is, once you learn the tricks of the trade.
Get access to the two BEST paid strategies (optional) you can employ for max conversions to give yourself a boost in revenue whenever you need one. (Or, keep it humming all year long: you’ll learn how to know exactly how much you can spend in order to make good marketing decisions without the hassle. This alone will be an eye-opening exercise that could help you market yourself better for life.
Get exact scripts for pitching your Selfish Business to a number of different types of channels, so you know exactly what to say and how. (Seriously, this system was meant to make this easy—just plug ‘n go! I give you everything you need.)
The Selfish Marketing system is one of the best ways you can take the pressure off and enjoy talking about your work again—zero stress about having to create reels, or Tiktoks, or “performance” marketing that doesn’t feel right. The whole point of The Selfish Method is to make creating FUN again—and give you back your life.
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Track Your Sales Numbers & Hit Your Goals 💥
Here comes the fun part: watching your sales grow! Using the benchmark numbers we started with in the beginning, you’ll be able to track both your sales and your conversion rate. Just a 1% positive change in conversion can lead to thousands of extra dollars a month, so here we’ll focus on finding any holes and making sure they’re plugged.
Experiencing slow sales? Let’s figure out if you have a marketing problem, or a sales problem, and then diagnose!
Don’t forget: your time is profit, too. Track how much time you’re spending on your Selfish Business. While at first there will be an initial time investment required, this should start to decline dramatically once you’ve got your Sales Engine in placed and your product created. Keep track of how much time you’re spending, and celebrate when you see those numbers go DOWN. ⬇️ 🎉
You can do this! Closing remarks from Ash and encouragement going forward. Go, go, go!
Meet The Founder
ASH AMBIRGE is a nomadic advisor, internet entrepreneur, author, creative writer, and founder of SELFISH SCHOOL.
![Ash Ambirge_founder & inSTRUCTOR](https://9wsodl.com/wp-content/uploads/2024/12/Ash-Ambirge_founder-inSTRUCTOR.png)
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